Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Growing Up

5 years old-

It’s not fair! My family can see out of the stupid window and I can’t! All I can see is a wall. A wall! My brother can see all the whole world through that window. I can’t see any world through the wall. Only cracks and my fingerprints. I can also see the bottom of the thingy my momma calls a windowsill. Who comes up with a silly name like sill? What does that mean anyway? Dirty wall and sill. That’s all I see.

6 years old-

I can finally see out of this stupid window. Or at least part of it. I can see the sky when I look up and the bottoms of my mommy’s flowers. I got to pick the colors. But I can’t see them, so I don’t even know if I picked the right colors! I sat for hours looking at the stems and leaves of my momma’s flowers. I cleaned the part of the window that I could reach so that I could see better. A bird ran into it! I laughed.

7 years old-

I can see out the window! I see bright colors. Pink. Green. Blue. I see pretty butterflies with bright colored flapping wings and bees flying around stealing stuff from flowers. I never liked bees. I can see the pretty dragonflies flying around and hovering and being pretty. I can see a bird that my brother told me is called a humming bird. Why is it called a humming bird? They don’t even hum. They just fly and steal stuff out of flowers, like bees! I don’t think I like humming birds. They don’t do anything. This morning I cleaned the window and my brother flew into it while playing Superman! I laughed.

12 years old-

I looked out my window today and wonder why I thought it so amazing when I was young. I see a tree. Exciting? No. I see a bush. Wonderful? No. I see a butterfly. Amazing? Sort of. I see children playing. Do I care? No. I see a flower. Pretty? Yes, but not something to watch for hours. The sky is blue. Skies are normally blue. I don’t even care now if I see clouds that are white. Why did I want to see this so much when I was younger? I don’t understand some things about little kids.

21 years old-

Today I spent two hours looking out the window. I saw trees and bushes and beautiful flowers. God’s creation is amazing! I see the clouds, which are white and billowing. The bright blue sky with birds flying across. The smiles on small children’s faces as they play and run around. Sprinkler systems watering the lush, green grass. When I open the window I smell the sweet, fragrant smell of the roses and petunias. I can now hear the laughter of the children and the buzz of the cars as father’s drive to work. Looking out this window makes my heart beat quickly because of the amazing creations. I love the wonders of God’s creation!

This is something I wrote not too long ago. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be posting some more soon. :D


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