Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bliss Photography Contest

So, Maggie over at Bliss is holding another photography contest. (My favorite types of contests. :D)

You are supposed to take a picture of something (of course.) The picture has to be one of your absolute favorites. One that you always look at and just marvel at how you love the natural effect of the picture and how well you did capturing the moment.

I really like contests like this. :D So, I’m definitely going to be posting a picture…right now. Here’s the her blog button:


Now, for the picture. :D

Camping 210

The reason I chose this picture is because I took it while driving in the car, up a mountain. I was surrounded by so many glorious colored trees that God created. This one picture I marveled at the most though. The color combination in the leaves was so amazing that it makes the tree look as if it is on fire. Seeing this reminds me of the burning bush and how God provided for Moses. :D I love this picture and I hope you do too.


Friday, November 26, 2010


Giveaway at Noah’s!!!!

I would do something better for a link…but I can’t really due to the fact that I’m not really a computer type person…so I just do copy/paste.


Here is a link to the giveaway he is holding.

He’s giving away a great book written by my favorite author, Wayne Thomas Batson. :D I’d say get on over there and check it out!!!!!!

New Template?

So here it is. The new template.

I was extremely sick of my old one. I’m really having trouble choosing a template that’s good, so I randomly threw this one together. If anyone is willing to make me a template, I would be overjoyed, but please don’t feel obliged to.

I went and saw Harry Potter 7 again with my cousins and my brother and my uncle. It was quite interesting I must say.

I’m actually thinking about changing my blog name….because I think that’s one of the reasons I’m not getting any followers. :( I do believe that I’m going to leave it though, because of the meaning it has to me.

Yes, this is a slightly random post, I must admit.

Lately I have been watching Stargate Atlantis. This is officially my new favorite tv series. I love it. It’s so nerve-wracking. Except the episode I just watched…that one was boring. :p

Yeah…I’m kind of out of ideas. Although, today a friend said to me, “In heaven they celebrate “Thanksgiving” everyday. Why can’t it be like that here?” Just thought you might want to think about that.

Now…uh…I have no idea what to say, so I’m going to leave you…to your….staring at the computer screen wondering why you just wasted your time reading this post.


Thanksgiving- Part 2

The food was great. I enjoyed every bit of it! (except for the stuffing…I hate stuffing.) I enjoyed spending time with my family and laughing a lot.

Thanks. Giving. The time to give thanks.

Thanks. Giving. The time to eat food.

Thanks. Giving. The time to have fun with your family.

Thanks. Giving. The time to watch the Macy’s Day Parade.

Thanks. Giving. The time to watch football. (The Saints won by the way, for those of you who care. *myself*)

Thanks. Giving. The time to remember the pilgrims.

Thanks. Giving. The time to pack your sleeping bag so you can spend the night in line in front of a store.

We do all these things, but do you ever feel that there’s something missing? Something that you are obviously skipping over every year?

Yesterday as I was pondering and thinking about the pilgrims in my mind. (preparing for my post) While doing so I thought of it. The thing I’ve been missing all these years. God. See, we do all the things I said above, but the one thing we don’t do is worship God. Don’t get me wrong, I pray and everything before the big meal, but is that it? I say the things I’m thankful for, the top on the list, my relationship with Christ. Is that it? Yes, I don’t really do much for God on Thanksgiving or about God. Yesterday, when I thought of all the things the pilgrims would be thankful for after their long journey. I could only think of one. That God kept them safe.

Why can’t we celebrate Thanksgiving for God? The thing we’re all missing is that we have to give thanks to God for keeping the pilgrims safe. If they all died on the boat, or if they just never made it to America….would we be alive today? If we truly thank God for the food and mean it with all our heart, is that better than praying over it normally? If we spend time with family and show love toward them is that better than just spending time with family and laughing with them? Think about this today.

Over and Out.


By the way, I have a question. Why would ANYONE go shopping that early???

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Normally, every blogger posts a Thanksgiving post: What I’m thankful for, What we’re eating, Family visiting…etc.etc.etc.

I decided that I’m not going to do that. :D It’s time for something a little bit different.

I’m going to see if you can get the idea of being a pilgrim.

Imagine this. You’re sitting on a ship, rocking at sea. Salt is caked in your hair and you can taste it in your mouth. You don’t have a lot of food and you’re starting to feel sort of sick after weeks of traveling. People all around you, your friends and family, are dying. Finally, you see land. After days of watching the land and waiting, you reach the land. You go ashore and agree on “Plymouth.” Remember the fact that you don’t have a lot of food and there’s still a lot of you, even though many died and fell overboard.

You obviously wouldn’t be very thankful would you?

Correct. Don’t even try to answer differently because then you’d be lying.

Don’t stop imagining. You see an indian.He teaches you how to grow your food. You then have food. You are thankful for all God has got you through.

Thanksgiving. Don’t just say that you’re thankful for something and then go eat food. It’s not right. Honor the pilgrims and pray for the ones who are going through a lot of troubles and don’t have a lot to be thankful for.

Over and Out.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tangled (in 3d)

My family and I went to see Tangled today…(in 3D!!!!!!)

Before I went to the movie I thought, “This movie’s going to be great!”

My thoughts have changed since then. Now, if you were to ask me how the movie was I’d answer, “That movie is AWESOME!”

It was so good. Then again, I knew it would be, it was made by Disney. :D

It is definitely suitable for young children, unlike the Princess and the Frog, which I thought was quite scary in my words. I was really surprised by the plot of the movie.

Of course, even if you don’t know the story of Rapunzel very well, you probably know the basics: Princess, long hair, trapped in a tower. Some of you may know that she was imprisoned there by a witch, but others haven’t progressed that far in fairy tales yet.

This movie was of course about Rapunzel, but one of the main things was a magic flower, planted by a beam of light and that flower can heal any sickness. An elderly lady found that flower and used it to heal herself and to stay young. I won’t give away too much of the plot, because then you wouldn’t want to go and see it. But somehow, Rapunzel ended up with those healing powers in her hair. Yes, healing powers…in her hair.

Then Flynn comes along…Flynn Rider, mastermind and thief.

Yes, for now, I have given my review and a starting plot. :D

Now, to figure out the rest, I guess you just have to go see it.

Recommended for all ages. Even old geezers. Enjoy the movie. Oh! and the 3D version is splendid, so even though it is…1-2$ cheaper…go see it!!!!! in 3D!!!!!!!!

Over and Out.


Photo Challenges

So, I’ve decided that I’m going to enter a few photo challenges and see if that can get my blog some publicity….AND because it’s fun to display my photos. :D

The challenges are both from Pastor’s Girl’s Ponderings. Gotta love her photography!

Just so y’all know, I would be posting the button, but I haven’t figured out how to do all that so…yeah

So for the first, which is a food photo challenge I am entering this photo:

mnm (8)

And now the Cloud Nine Picture:

Camping 137

I love this picture SO much! It shows how high up I really am and how beautiful the Earth really is. I guess you could just say “It’s a Small World After All!”


There’s a link. :D


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What would you be?

If I were a scent, I’d be the smell of brownies, fresh from the oven

If I were a pair of shoes, I'd be a pair of Converse All-Stars

If I were the weather, I would be a cold, winter day (with snow)  

If I were a facial expression, I'd be a grin.

If I were a car, I'd be a hunter Red Shelby Cobra, with white stripes down the front.

If I were a time of day, I’d be midnight.

If were a month, I’d be December.

If I were a place, I’d be a hockey rink.

If I were a liquid, I’d be hot chocolate, with marshmallows.

If I were a taste, I’d be dark chocolate.

If I were a sea animal, I’d be a dolphin.

If I were a food, I’d be steak, with mashed potatoes.

If I were a color, I'd be black.

If I were a musical instrument, I would be an electric guitar, amp and all.

If I were a flower, I’d be a white rose. (I wouldn’t ever be a flower…:p)

If I were a song, I’d be ‘Monster’ by Skillet.

If I were a planet, I’d be Pluto. The outcast and the one who loves the cold.

If I were an object, I would be a soccer ball.

If I were a fruit, I'd be a strawberry.

If I were a sound, I’d be “Lets go CAPS!” (cheering at the hockey rink)

If I were a day of the week, I’d be Sunday.

Thank you Lily for the wonderful tag! :D

I tag everyone….yeah…I don’t really have any followers so…yeah…whoever feels like doing this go ahead…and if you do comment!

Over and Out.


Asleep at Midnight

Yesterday was a wrap of tiredness and pure boredom. I sat in a car for 7 hours. Complete and utter boredom. The first 30 or so minutes seemed find, I was saying, “Oh this won’t be that bad.” (It really wasn’t too bad, but I decided to make this post interesting enough, I must exaggerate a smidgen. :D) I was hungry, my stomach was making strange sounds, signaling that I needed to eat the sandwich mom packed for me. I hate sandwiches. With a passion. I ate it anyway. I was then thirsty and wanted to drink my water, but I could only drink a few one little sip, due to we didn’t want to take any stops unless we absolutely had to. I was trying to be safe. I….yeah, this is the most boring post ever…okay, I’m done, I’ll save you the boredom, I wouldn’t want you to ruin your keyboard once your face lads on it and drool pours into the cracks and fry it. So…I am drawing a blank on anything interesting to tell you now.

Normally, I would post a post on Thanksgiving and the things I am thankful for, the real meaning of thanksgiving…etc. etc. etc. The only problem with that idea is that everyone else does it and it’s not worth you reading the same thing over and over again. So I’ve decided…no I haven’t actually decided anything, except that my fingers are going to stop typing at the end of this sentence and let you get back to your life.

Over an Out.


Friday, November 19, 2010


This is my latest writing project. I’ve been writing more on emotions and doing small paragraphs like this on different emotions. It’s a lot of fun and helps keep me writing. :D

Fear encases my mind, wrapping me up like a blanket. Screaming in agony, I try to push the horrors away, to no avail. My stomach seems as if it is flipping over and over, causing me to moan and groan. I can’t see myself, but I assume my face is as white as fresh snow. Pain and fear rush into me in torrents overflowing my mind. Tears flood from my eyes. A small sound utters from my lips as I try to cry for help. I scream again as a sharp pain sears into my vulnerable stomach. As the pain increases, my body accelerates in convulsive fits. A second pain strikes into me, this time to my arm rather than my stomach. I cry out a gurgling scream of pure torture. All love and life seems to be leaking out of me with the spilling blood. I look up through painful tears, searching for the one who attacked me. A flash of light causes me to lose thought as another hit strikes my head. Screaming as loud as I can, my heart rate slowly falls, barely beating. Life is draining from my body quickly as another strike slams into my stomach letting loose all my life, soul and blood. I’ve lost my life in battle against an unknown attacker.

Hope you enjoyed it!


Just some pictures

I just thought that I would post some of my drawings that I did and a picture that I took of the Skins stadium. :p

Redskins 006

You can see how many empty seats there are in this picture. It was crazy. :p

Drawings 002

I drew this picture during church one week. (And yes I was paying attention to the sermon.)

Drawings 003

Harry catching his first Snitch. Yes, I should’ve actually had him wearing a Quidditch uniform, but I drew a whole series of Harry pictures and I had him wearing the same outfit everytime. And you can’t see his scar in this picture.

Drawings 004

So sorry for these next few…I’m still working out how to rotate pictures on my computer. :D This is of Harry in the first book trasfiguring the beetle into the button.

Drawings 005

This is Malfoy. :p Yeah, I did all the outfits the same the pants different on certain people, but the sweatshirts colored by house. :D

Drawings 006

I don’t know why I did his pocket black in this one. :p Here Harry is in the Gryffindor common room with Hedwig. Can’t wait until the new movie!

Tata for now.


Thursday, November 18, 2010


I was randomly taking pictures the other day and I wanted to post a few of them. :D

Random Pictures 007


Random Pictures 005

Random Pictures 008

Random Pictures 011

Over and Out.


Post Post Post

I have now officially posted three times today...sorry...but I did want to say that those of you who are my followers thank you...and those of you who don't follow, please do.

Blogging is so much fun, but you know what makes it even more fun? To see that you have a new follower or a comment waiting for you to approve. Please help me to feel happy. :D


Finding Nemo- Part 2

I don’t exactly remember when I said I’d post another Finding Nemo lesson, but I knew I had to do it sometime…so, I figured now would be the time.

Loyalty. No matter what happened, Marlin always was looking for his son Nemo. This can lead to so many things right here. He spent his life searching for his son, trying to make sure he was okay.

One, he was extremely loyal. He could’ve given up, but he didn’t. He went through so much: sharks, jellyfish, even giant turtles…to find Nemo.

Two, the love of the father for the son. Marlin loved Nemo so much that he couldn’t let him go on his own quite yet. God loves us in the same way. We can’t really do things without him if you know what I mean. It’s like us being taken away or even running away, but no matter what, God will follow us and always be there for us.

That’s about all I have on Nemo, sorry…but yeah….okay…

Over and Out.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


You’ve gotta love it. Last night was crazy cool and awful.

I left straight from Drama with my older brother to drive to my house, throw on a quick change of clothes and drive with some friends to the Redskins vs. Eagles football game. We all got into the car once we were ready and started on our way. We took a brief stop at McDonald’s to get some dinner and I do say that the new McRib( not new, but back to McDonald’s) was AMAZING! Then, we started back to head to the game. We ran into traffic. We were so close to the stadium that we could see it and everything. The game was starting…without US! We were all sitting in the car…waiting and waiting…listening to the game on the radio. Kick-off my Redskins. The Eagles started their first play and TOUCHDOWN! Great…we missed it…we (all the kids, there were 8 of us btw including my dad and another dad) hopped out of the car and walked to the stadium while the dad’s parked and came in later. In the time that it took to get to the stadium, the score was already 21-0. We finally got to our seats, which were great! First row on the fourth deck. Perfect view of the whole stadium! Then, it started raining….it was cold enough already!!!!!! To say the least, we got drenched, we lost 59-28 and enjoyed a wet ride home.

My first NFL game and I don’t think I’ll EVER forget the experience.

Over and Out.


Saturday, November 13, 2010


I officially have completed my soccer season. Our last two games were today, in the tournament. The first game we tied, giving us two points and the last game we lost leaving us with still….2 points. Sad enough, we will NOT be going on to tomorrow’s games. AND to top it all off, I busted my knee really bad in the first game and rested it until my second game which was later in the afternoon and now it hurts really bad.

*here’s a hint. If you know that your knee locks when you run, you should probably wear a knee brace when you know you’re going to run a lot*

My obvious stupidity caused me to be  injured and now extremely sore….So, now I am a limping genius instead of just a genius. (I am kidding. As you see I am not a genius, due to my stupid mistake, I am just a gimp.) I really do like that word. :D I am a highly classy gimp. Okay…maybe just an average gimp, but I’m still unique in my own way. People will know it’s me when I come limping into the room. :p

Hope you all have a great rest of the day!

I was actually just about to finish this post, but then I decided I’d continue because I have more info to tell you, whether or not you want to hear it. :p

Tonight, my church is hosting the Anniversary Dinner, which we have every year. Each family brings a dish or dessert and it’s REALLY REALLY good because you have so much of a variety to choose from! Then, there’s a Bible lesson and the CWT (Creative Worship for Teens) does a skit. :D Okay, just telling y’all where I’m gonna be tonight. ;)

(And yes, I did use y’all. I’m in a mexican mode okay?)

Hehe…just kidding…Southern mode.

Okay, you’ve had enough of me.

;) Over and Out.

Angela. The gimp. (And genius)

Friday, November 12, 2010

CAPS game!!!!

Washington Capitals


Tampa Bay Lightning

Captains: Alex Ovechkin #8 Washington – Vincent Lecavailer #4 Tampa Bay

Goals Scored:

Teddy Purcell #16 Tampa Bay

Tom Poti #3 Washington Capitals

Mike Knuble #22 Washington Capitals

Ryan Malone #6 Tampa Bay

Alexander Semin #28 Washington Capitals

Alexander Semin #28 Washington Capitals

Steven Stamkos #91 Tampa Bay

Alex Ovechkin #8 Washington Capitals

Alexander Semin #28 Washington Capitals

In order of goals scored and how many scored.

Stars of the game:

3 stars- Steven Stamkos

2 stars- Nicklas Backstrom – 4 assists

1 star- Alexander Semin- 3 goals (hat trick)

Final Score- 6-3 Washington

Throughout the night, the Washington Capitals supported the Troops with videos, pictures and prizes. One of the ways was with the COURAGE CAPS. You can buy Courage hats, t-shirts, and other merchandise to support the troops.

Over and Out.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blog Post

I have nothing to write about. I have no idea whatsoever I want to write about, so therefore, I’m going to write about something.

My mind is a wandering mind. It likes to run this way and that. At the times I can’t catch it, like this one, it is doing something absolutely insane and is zapping up all brain I do have and I have what I call Imagination Gone Wild, but what you may call Writer’s Block.

At this time of 1:53 P.M. my mind is on a Safari Trip, watching giraffes gallop across the utmost plains of Antarctica. Where is Antarctica you ask? You should know that silly! It’s in Africa! See, my brain isn’t even here and I know more than you. Oh my goodness, my brain is now looking at a zebra! You know how I know it’s a zebra, because it’s brown and yellow and it’s a type of cat and it has spots.

What is going on here? This is the smart side of the brain talking right now. I’m sorry for that. My brain is being pulled from my skull. Yes, it is 1:54 (one minute after) P.M. My mind is on a Safari Trip and it is watching giraffes, and cheetahs, not a zebra. It is NOT in Antarctica, it is in Africa. Goodness gracious. Oh no, here it comes….I….other side….brain….taking….over!!!!!!!!

It is now the wonderful time of 1:58 P.M., which means that I really should be going to bed, but I haven’t even eaten breakfast! I think I’ll eat last nights leftover lunch. Cereal with cold milk.

Ack! I am so sorry. I have finally gained control once again. I have no idea what the….mental side of my brain is talking about. I do have one thing to say though, it is flying in a plane across Africa and is planning to get off in Massachusetts where it is going to board a submarine and scout the ocean. Here we go again…I’m….losing…contact

FISHIES!!!!!! I see fish everywhere! The only problem is there are no GOLDFISH! You hear that NO GOLDFISH! Or FROGS! How stupid is that? I think they all died. My goldfish died. I had a pet goldfish. He died. I didn’t have a frog, but if I did I bet he’d die too. And you the stupidest thing about this ocean? There are no whales! I thought whales were supposed to be big and fill up the WHOLE ocean, but I don’t see any of those stupid things. I wanted to see how fat they really are. I do see a dolphin though and for some reason it has whiskers and yellow spots. Hey….I’m talking here!

Sorry for that brutal interruption. I have a few things to clarify. One, I have never in my life owned a goldfish, EVER! Two, I’m didn’t see a dolphin. It was a gigantic Catfish type thing. And three….HEY!!!!!!

I caught a jellyfish! There’s a technical difficulty, we’re having a little bit of trouble spreading it on the bread, it keeps moving and stinging all my workers! And…there’s NO PEANUTBUTTERFISH!!!! Can you believe that! What is wrong with this ocean? No frogs. No goldfish. No Whales. NO PEANUTBUTTERFISH!!!!!!

What the heck is a peanut butter fish? I must say though, I’m having a brain overload. I’m sorry for the inconvenience that you had to catch me on a day like this. Cutting….out…over…loading….



Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Peace, Love, Happiness

Peace. Love. Happiness. The essentials of life. 

You can’t live without have all three of these.

Peace- Everyone says, I wish our world had peace. Well, you have to think about this fail statement. If our world didn’t have peace, we would ALL be at war and killing each other and no one would be alive so therefore there would be no world…So, we have peace and must live with it.

Love- You can’t live without love. Every person must have at least one person that loves them. or….they would probably die. Of course, we have God and Jesus, but I’m talking about mortal beings on Earth. Plus, you have to think of the fact that if there was no love…there would be no marriage…no marriage means no children….no children means no us….no us means there would not be another generation….not having another generation means bye-bye world.

Happiness- Happiness has something to do with peace because if everyone was angry there would be no peace and we’d all be dead, but if everyone was sad we would all be moping around not wanting to be near people, not worrying about work and life and how we need to work to have life.

As you see, these three are essential. So, during your week, don’t forget about peace, love and happiness.

Over and Out,


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

7 likes, 8 hates, 1 love

I was tagged by the wonderful Lily Litten, so I have decided that I would be posting my answers to this.


Veggietales movies

Hockey games


Musical instruments (I classify iPods in this category too, because it plays music)

Soft couches that are good for sitting on and sleeping on and for hours of staring at the laptop screen

My laptop


8 Hates




When people keep a secret and keep telling you that they have a secret every time they see you.

Algebra. Or Math in general.

Writer’s Block

Dropping my guitar pick into the guitar.

Stupid games that we play at youth group.


Normally, I would put Jesus and God, but I’m not going to put that, due to you already know that, so I shouldn’t have to put it….I want this whole thing to be for you to learn something new about me.

So therefore I love…..

Watching 3D movies at the movie theater while eating buttery popcorn, drinking soda and if I’m at the Alamo eating fried pickles….

So, that might not be a MAJOR love or anything you were expecting, but I do LOVE it…


Your beloved friend Angela.

PS. Random note for the day- I was signing a ‘Get Well’ card and didn’t want to just put the usual “Get Well Soon…I’m praying for you….” Blah. Blah. Blah. So after contemplating I finally put.

I am praying for your steadfast healing. I hope you repair quickly.

Your Fellow Sister in Christ,


Monday, November 8, 2010

Better Blogging

Creativity in blogging. One of the absolute essentials. I have lacked this certain point in almost every single post. When I read the interesting paragraphs on other people’s blogs, I realize why mine is not getting any followers. I must learn to write better, so I’m going to make an effort to do better blogging.

Blogging. Blogging. Blogging. Typing. Typing. Typing. Time to learn….how…..

Scooby Doo, where are you?” I am officially a fan of Scooby Doo as my younger brother has been watching about every Scooby Doo movie possible. Who comes up with these? I wish that I (not ever possible) would be able to come up with mysteries. Some of these are OUT OF THIS WORLD. or…OUT OF THAT CARTOON!!!!!! Okay, I am boring your minds already. I am giving up on this post while I try in my mind to figure out how to post better.

Over and Out.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Journal Entries

Lately, I have been promising myself that I would post some journal entries from when I was younger. Sadly, I couldn’t find the exact journal that I was looking for, but I thought I’d post some stuff from my 2004-2005 School journal. I was 6 years old when I did this, so…you can’t blame me for the silliness of it all.

September 3rd, 2004-

I will never eat spinach because it looks yucky. And it looks like grass. Spinach looks like nasty garbage even know its a veggie. Never ever am I going to ever eat spinach.

September 30th, 2004-

Once upon a time there was a cowboy and his name was Bill. One day Bill was riding on his horse and Bill found a indian in the woods. ill took out his gun and shot the indian. Bill rode over to the dead indian and it was his friend. Bill rode home and went inside. Bill forgot to tie up his horse. He ran outside but his horse was gone. He went to the indian village and traded gold for a horse and corn. He rode home on his new horse. He tied up his horse. He went inside and cooked his corn. He said to himself, “I shouldn’t have even shot that indian.” Then Bill and the indians all got together and that was the end of that story.

November 5th, 2004-

Georg Bush won!!! He was against Kerry. Kerry lost the election. I was happy that he won because my mom and dad voted for him. I like who my mom and dad like.

February 23rd, 2005-

On Saturday I had a birthday party. We went to see Pooh Heffalump Movie. We came home and ate cake, opened presents, decorate goodie bags and have fun. I got playmobil, money, notepads, stickers, cd, and bouncy balls, Polly Pocket and sewing Pooh thing. After this on Sunday me and Rick had a party together. I got a Samantha paper dolls, Samantha book, Samantha coloring book, shirt, electro light, Play Mobil Farm, stuffed animal, bunny magnet, Zigity, beads, American girl card game, littles books, big purple bouncy ball, Needle Point and Polly pocket.  It was fun.

March 11th, 2005-

I love to eat a lot of kinds of food, but I like dessert the best. I like dessert because when I eat ice cream it melts in my mouth. Dessert is not good for you. So I only eat candy almost everyday. Candy tastes good. I like fruit snacks and marshmallows too. There all yummy.

Some of my grammar was off and some of the stuff I said was pretty cute. like ‘dessert is not good for you so I ONLY eat candy ALMOST EVERYDAY.’ and my thing about George Bush winning the election. I had to put the birthday thing just to show what all a 6 year old wants for her birthday. I do want to do a few more though, a few REALLY adorable ones. Here you are:

(No Date)-

If George Washington were president today I think he would make rules like: Give kids no school, tons of toys, eat food properly. Rules like that. I wish George Washington could speak Spanish. Then I could learn Spanish and not be in Spanish class. George Washington was a brave and honest man, so I think he would be brave enough to ride a skateboard and roller coaster. Do you?

(No date)-

I really would like to have a shiny red corvette with blue spots. It would look really nice. I would keep it clean and take my kids on rides.

(No Date)-

If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to Africa and give poor people clothes, money, toys, and food. I would give the kids a lot of toys.

I love that last one. Some of these are really cute and it helps get into the mind of a six year old. Until next time,


Saturday, November 6, 2010

What now?

So the game went okay and I learned that it is WAY too cold out! It’s freezing. Absolutely, utterly freezing. We won our game 3-1, we would have played a lot better had it have been warmer, but I guess we played fine for the freezing cold weather and we won, so it doesn’t really matter. :D Right now I’m watching Back To The Future II which is on television. I remember when I watched the first one, it was when I was in the hospital when I had my seizure. I liked it. I like this one too. It’s pretty good. Yeah, that’s about all the random junk I have to say…I don’t know what all to say anymore, I will start doing the journal thing though as soon as I can find it. It’s hard to find though…I need to clean my room to be able to find it….haha, yeah…

Over and Out.



Today I have a soccer game at the fail time of 4:00!!!! Why is the game at 4:00!??!!! I mean really? Why can’t it be early…..waahhhh!!!!!! I was reffing today. I reffed two U10 games….the little kids are very entertaining to watch, but after a while it gets overly boring. The kids just run around like maniacs and wildly swing their legs trying to a hit a ball. Yeah…getting ready to leave for my game….bye!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Brain Dead

So, I am brain dead today. Not completely I must say, but I am slightly brain dead. You know the feeling where brain is leaking out of your ears and sloshing around your head and all mushy and gushy? My brain feels that way due to the sad circumstances that I had to complete two thirty problem math lessons, which is my fault because of my procrastination habit. I admit, I didn’t do a math lesson yesterday…so I doubled up today! Yes, I am ashamed. (not really…)

I have no idea, whatsoever what else this blog post is going to be about. I am at a random high. For those of you who do not know what this is it means that it’s not a sugar high where you get all hyper and then crash, but a random high where you are all random and can’t think straight and strange thoughts run through your head (like the fact that jelly beans can fit the word jelly belly on it….) and then you don’t crash, you just all of a sudden get really serious and not wacko like you should be!!!! So, because I am on a random high I am going to go rambling….about random things…in the next paragraph…

Random things paragraph:

Have you realized that mashed potatoes and scalloped potatoes come from the same type of potato and can look so very different? There is also the fact that eyeballs are different colors. I know that that isn’t that strange, but when you’re on a random high you think things like that are random. Also, why are there only six guitar strings on a guitar? Why aren’t there 7 strings or 5? Why are there black and white keys on the piano? Why not all black or all white? Why are there so many different fonts? Not only one? Why is a hippopotamus actually called a hippopotamus. I think that elephants are really silly looking and look like big gray minivans attached to rotten logs. Chicken is slightly strange. Why do people say everything tastes like chicken? How can a frog taste like a chicken. Frog is not chicken and chicken is not frog. What are the thoughts that run through a cannibals mind? Are they mad? Or do they think humans taste like chicken? Carpets? What are they? Why can’t everything just be wood floor. Who invented carpets and for what reason? Why do we need a soft padding on our feet? We have socks. We don’t need squishy floors. Rocking chairs. What is the use of rocking in a chair? It defeats the purpose of relaxing, we can’t relax if we’re rocking because we are using our muscles. Birthday cakes. Who invented them and why? Do we need birthday cakes on our birthdays? what is the use of one….Thomas Edison. Why did he think of making light? What was the thought that ran through his head when he thought electricity? Why didn’t he think of something else like computers….or something else more modern rather than LIGHT BULB!!!! I’ve always wondered that.

I am done with my randomness and I would like to know what you thought of some of these things. and your opinion on them.

One more, why do we call children kids?

Over and Out.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Toy Story 3

I watched Toy Story 3 tonight. We got it from the amazingly cheap, yet totally cool REDBOX!!!!!!! Yes, I am fascinated quite easily. This is the second time I’ve watched this movie and I never remembered it being this good! Yes, I saw it in 3D before, but now that I see and in the non dimensional plain old 2D, which the greatest movies are in, I realize how good this movie really is! When I watch it I wonder if I would have had toys like that as a kid if I’d have used that much imagination with them. The other thing I find quite funny is that I’ve always dreamed that my toys could come to life and can hear everything I say and see everything I do. When I watch it I wish I had a Buzz and Woody of my own. I know we have them somewhere, I think in the basement, and I think sometime soon (quite very soon) I will head down to our…*shudders* unfinished basement and see if I can find them. I will scower the  basement until I do! *shudders again* even if it means…..cleaning….BLECH!

Yes, I am posting a little late at night….if you count 10:14 late….but, I will say: Watch Toy Story 3, it inspires imagination. :D And I love inspiring people. I also love imagination. So the two put together equal extra happiness which I also like. So there you go, a lot of excitement in one blog post! Inspiration. Imagination. And extra happiness.

Over and Out.

Angela, Don’t forget to use your imagination!!!!

CAPS game

Washington Capitals VS. Toronto Maple Leafs

Team Captains:

Washington: Alex Ovechkin Maple Leafs: Dion Phaneuf

Final Score: Capitals: 5 Maple Leafs: 4

Goals scored by the Capitals:

Tomas Fleischmann- 1 Jason Chimera- 1 Alexander Semin- 2 Mike Green- 1

I can’t remember who scored all the Maple Leafs goals, so I won’t put that.

Injured Players:

Dion Phaneuf, Tuesday night received a laceration from a skate and had to have surgery on Wednesday

Semyon Varlamov, I don’t quite know how he is injured and I’m not exactly sure if he is but I am almost positive

Stars awarded in the game:

3 Stars: (to a Toronto player that I can’t remember)

2 Stars: Jason Chimera #25

1 Stars: (1 stars is the best) Alexander Semin #28

The Washington Capitals won the game against the Maple Leafs, after a five minute overtime headed into shoot-outs. The first shot was taken by Nicklas Backstrom, number 19, in the shootouts. He missed. The other team took a shot, but it was saved by Michal Neuvirth, number 30. The second shot was taken by Alex Ovechkin, number 8. He scored. The opponents second shot was deflected again by Neuvirth. If the Caps scored their third shot it is an automatic win on their part. Alexander Semin shoots and SCORES!!!!!!! Scraping another win for the Capitals, Semin is chosen as the star player of the game.

It was a great game to watch and it was a lot of fun. After each game I go to I will be posting something like this. Next time I’ll post pictures, but I accidentally left my memory card in my laptop, so I couldn’t take any pictures.

Over and Out.


The World Between Worlds- Prologue

So, I’m doing NaNoWriMo and I have this book idea that I’ve started and I think might turn out if I try hard enough. I started writing this yesterday. I wasn’t sure how to start it, but then I remembered that a prologue is a good way to start a book, because it can give you the good information that you need, but not too much. I started on my first chapter too, but I didn’t want to post that quite yet. What you are about to read is very poorly written, but when I start a writing paper or a book the start is always the hardest part. Always. I’ve thought of starting in the middle of the book, and I tried it, but that didn’t work well….at all. It turned out horribly horrendous. So I agreed with my brain that I wasn’t going to do that. So, now for your eyes and everyone else’s I present. The World Between Worlds the PROLOGUE.


“Well? Is everyone here?” the Sheriff called out, his rough voice spreading through the room filled of the worst evil villains yet.

Shouts of “ARGH” or “Come on, let’s get started!” filled the room in response. “Very good, let’s see if we can get this meeting underway, shall we?” he cleared his throat and continued, “We are gathered together at this time to form a group of ultimate power. A group that cannot be defeated. A group to bring down the World Between Worlds!”

Cheers of appraisal echoed off the walls, making the shouting seem louder. The Sheriff held up his hands and yelled loudly, “Quiet! Quiet! All of you know that if the World Between Worlds fall, every other world will collapse with it.”

A lady, adorned in white, stood making herself taller than everyone else in the room. Necks craned up words to be able to watch her ghostly face as she spoke in a chilling voice, “We can finally destroy Narnia and Aslan with it!”

Then, a man, dressed like a pirate stood and shouted, “We can bring down Peter and his mangy lost boys!”

The cheering grew louder and louder, loud enough to burst eardrums. Again, the Sheriff raised his hands and the assembly quieted gradually. “Listen!” he shouted, “we cannot tell anyone about this! Stay quiet. We will meet tomorrow morning at dusk to decide how we’re going to work this out.”

The group slowly broke off, filing out into the World Between Worlds.

I am again sorry for my lack of writing skill in this section, it is truly and honestly completely better in my first chapter. I will most likely be editing this part a little bit…okay, I lied…a lot, but I don’t want to start with that tedious work while I am still working on my first chapter. I also have this other story I want to try. That one is a type of story where I have no plot planned and I have no idea where I’m going with it, I just type away and do on the spot thinking. I’ll actually post that too….right now, just so you can see it.

A flash of light skimmed through the room, revealing a lone child curled into a tight ball, ducking under a cluttered school desk. As soon as the light came, it left. There were no sounds. There were no smells. It seemed that there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. As the light flashed through the crack in the curtains once again, the child moved, not far, but he had moved. When the child had moved, sense filled the atmosphere. Smells vibrated from the walls, sirens wailed in the distance, and silence surrounded the child. Every ten seconds, the light flashed. Every ten seconds, the child moved. Waiting for the flash of light, the child lay still, tight in his ball. After ten seconds, he was prepared for the light, but it didn’t come. The sirens stopped. An eerie silence filled the room. The only sound to be heard was a slight scratching along the wall. Then the smell of fear filled the room. A slight scream. A low growl. Then, BOOM!

Light filled the room as Josiah slowly awoke. Saturday, his favorite day of the week. Groggily, he lifted his head from the pillow and glanced around his room. He slid his feet out of bed, quickly jerking them back in as they touched the surface of the cold floor. Carefully, he stretched one toe out and slowly edged it onto the floor. Then another and another until his whole foot was covering the surface. He placed his other foot onto the floor, then lifted his body, balancing his weight on the two feet.

As I said, I have no idea at all where I’m going with this, so I just kind of typed away. I have no idea what was running through my mind as I started, but it was a little strange…and slightly creepy. I am quite shocked by the outcome of that first paragraph, as I said it is just on the spot thinking. Here is an example. When I draw, I draw best when I don’t think about what I’m drawing and I just let “my hand” do the drawing. When I write on the spot, I don’t even think about what I’m writing. AT ALL! I just let my fingers keep typing and typing. Sometimes I don’t even know half of what I said because I’ll be talking to a friend while I’m just typing away and it actually turns out quite strange. When I was writing this, I wasn’t thinking about it at all, I just typed. I actually was thinking about how i was gonna do a writing paper on why my main character which is a salamander wants to be a frog…

Over and Out.

The amazing, abstract ANGELA!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

CAPS game, work

So tonight I’m going to a CAPS game (WOOHOO!!!!) but I have to be with dad at work all day….(WOOHOO!) I love his office! All the workers are EXTREMELY nice. :D So I did some of my school, surfed the web (that term is strange…surf the web is not even possible) ate some snack, played with my yoyo, but I had some candy left over from Halloween and decided that I would eat some. (I officially made a scientific discovery. You do not crave sugar until you eat some kind of sugar first. I was not craving sugar then I ate a pack of Smarties and then craved sugar.) So I opened a pack of MNM’s!!!! YAY!!!!! I was really bored so I decided I’d take some pictures of my MNMS and starbursts so I thought I’d post a few.

mnm (8)

mnm (2)

mnm (6)

mnm (3) mnm (7)

YEs I was bored…yes I had fun…yes they taste good…hope you enjoyed!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Finding Nemo

 I’m bringing up Finding Nemo to introduce a new Bible lesson to you. You’re probably thinking, Finding Nemo…blogging…can they even fit together? I answer with a simple, yet confident, YES. Every Disney movie has Bible based morals, or so I think…I can pull about any Bible based moral I want out of any movie. That may be just me, but I’ve decided I’ll start showing a few and the first is as I’ve stated, Finding Nemo. I’ll be covering this for a few days, because I think that there are so many different lessons in it. The one I’ll be covering today though is when Dory and Marlin swim through Jellyfish Fields.

Marlin and Dory were making their way to the current to find Nemo. The fish had smartly guided them to the trench. They were told to swim through the trench and to go no other way, but when Marlin and Dory got to the trench they thought, “Man…this looks like a tough swim, how about we go over instead, it looks easier?” So when they get to the top, they see an open area and can see the current ahead of them at a distance. As Marlin is gazing in awe at the current, Dory meets Squishy her new little jellyfish friend who stings her. Dory panics as Marlin tries to calm her down. Marlin states the obvious, “At least it wasn’t a big one.” At that moment (coincidentally) large groups of jellyfish surround them without Marlin realizing. As he looks up he realizes what’s around them and is telling Dory to stay clear of the tentacles as she starts bouncing around. They race to the current, but Dory gets stung along the way.

Do you realize where I’m getting at? The path that they were advised to take they thought looked to tough and they wanted to take which they thought was the easier way, which was above the trench. When they got there they thought it would be extremely easy and started on their way, when jellyfish swarmed them. Dory ended up getting stung and that was her consequence for trying to take the easy way out. This is how we are. We see the way that God wants us to take, but we want to take the way or path that we think is easier. We always have to end up paying the consequences for doing this, then we realize why we should have taken the path advised. Anytime you’re stuck and you want to take the easy way out, or you’re trying to get somewhere in life and you want to take a few shortcuts, don’t cut through Jellyfish Fields, take the path you think God wants you to take.

Over and Out.


Monday, November 1, 2010


So, this year in my Bible Quizzing (I will explain this very well in my next post) I’m memorizing Hebrews, along with a bunch of other great kids from my church. Well, last night as I was reviewing my material, a certain verse popped out at me and that’s Hebrews 4:13 “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” See, you might not think this verse has a lot of meeting, but when you really think about it you can pull so much from this one verse. One, we can’t hide from God. Everything we do and say and think God knows. Two, other people can’t hide from God, it’s not only us. Three, some other people don’t even know who God is, so they don’t realize that God is watching them all the time. Four, if we’re not hidden from God, why should we hide God from us? We don’t tell others about Christ openly, and I know that for an absolute fact. Why? We are hiding. We’re not hiding what we know of scripture, what we know of church, in general we are hiding God. God sees what we’re doing, so why hide him. I challenge you all to not hide God this week. Tell one person who does not know who Christ is about God. Whether you get a good reaction or a bad reaction post about it on your blog. Leave a comment on my blog telling me and I’ll check it out. I’ll definitely be posting on my blog on how my person’s reaction was. I know this is not an easy task. But just think, you can’t hide from God, he’ll always be right there, so if you make a mistake he’ll hear and be there to catch you and guide you through the steps.

God Bless,
