Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Peace, Love, Happiness

Peace. Love. Happiness. The essentials of life. 

You can’t live without have all three of these.

Peace- Everyone says, I wish our world had peace. Well, you have to think about this fail statement. If our world didn’t have peace, we would ALL be at war and killing each other and no one would be alive so therefore there would be no world…So, we have peace and must live with it.

Love- You can’t live without love. Every person must have at least one person that loves them. or….they would probably die. Of course, we have God and Jesus, but I’m talking about mortal beings on Earth. Plus, you have to think of the fact that if there was no love…there would be no marriage…no marriage means no children….no children means no us….no us means there would not be another generation….not having another generation means bye-bye world.

Happiness- Happiness has something to do with peace because if everyone was angry there would be no peace and we’d all be dead, but if everyone was sad we would all be moping around not wanting to be near people, not worrying about work and life and how we need to work to have life.

As you see, these three are essential. So, during your week, don’t forget about peace, love and happiness.

Over and Out,


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