Friday, November 19, 2010

Just some pictures

I just thought that I would post some of my drawings that I did and a picture that I took of the Skins stadium. :p

Redskins 006

You can see how many empty seats there are in this picture. It was crazy. :p

Drawings 002

I drew this picture during church one week. (And yes I was paying attention to the sermon.)

Drawings 003

Harry catching his first Snitch. Yes, I should’ve actually had him wearing a Quidditch uniform, but I drew a whole series of Harry pictures and I had him wearing the same outfit everytime. And you can’t see his scar in this picture.

Drawings 004

So sorry for these next few…I’m still working out how to rotate pictures on my computer. :D This is of Harry in the first book trasfiguring the beetle into the button.

Drawings 005

This is Malfoy. :p Yeah, I did all the outfits the same the pants different on certain people, but the sweatshirts colored by house. :D

Drawings 006

I don’t know why I did his pocket black in this one. :p Here Harry is in the Gryffindor common room with Hedwig. Can’t wait until the new movie!

Tata for now.


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