Wednesday, November 3, 2010

CAPS game, work

So tonight I’m going to a CAPS game (WOOHOO!!!!) but I have to be with dad at work all day….(WOOHOO!) I love his office! All the workers are EXTREMELY nice. :D So I did some of my school, surfed the web (that term is strange…surf the web is not even possible) ate some snack, played with my yoyo, but I had some candy left over from Halloween and decided that I would eat some. (I officially made a scientific discovery. You do not crave sugar until you eat some kind of sugar first. I was not craving sugar then I ate a pack of Smarties and then craved sugar.) So I opened a pack of MNM’s!!!! YAY!!!!! I was really bored so I decided I’d take some pictures of my MNMS and starbursts so I thought I’d post a few.

mnm (8)

mnm (2)

mnm (6)

mnm (3) mnm (7)

YEs I was bored…yes I had fun…yes they taste good…hope you enjoyed!


  1. Oh, M&M's are my favorite candy!!! And Kit-Kats....
    Now you've made me want chocolate! *smacks Angela* That was mean. ;)

    Have fun at the Caps game! Do you know if it's televised? I might watch.

  2. I'm not sure, but they're playing the Toronto Maple Leafs and on that team is Dion Phaneuf. I'm related to that guy... :D

  3. Yes, he's my fifth cousin or something. I find it kind of funny though that I'm related to the captain of the other team, but I'm rooting for the CAPS. He got hurt though. Dion. Two nights ago he got a laceration from a skate and had to have surgery yesterday, so he wasn't playing (obviously)
