Friday, November 26, 2010

New Template?

So here it is. The new template.

I was extremely sick of my old one. I’m really having trouble choosing a template that’s good, so I randomly threw this one together. If anyone is willing to make me a template, I would be overjoyed, but please don’t feel obliged to.

I went and saw Harry Potter 7 again with my cousins and my brother and my uncle. It was quite interesting I must say.

I’m actually thinking about changing my blog name….because I think that’s one of the reasons I’m not getting any followers. :( I do believe that I’m going to leave it though, because of the meaning it has to me.

Yes, this is a slightly random post, I must admit.

Lately I have been watching Stargate Atlantis. This is officially my new favorite tv series. I love it. It’s so nerve-wracking. Except the episode I just watched…that one was boring. :p

Yeah…I’m kind of out of ideas. Although, today a friend said to me, “In heaven they celebrate “Thanksgiving” everyday. Why can’t it be like that here?” Just thought you might want to think about that.

Now…uh…I have no idea what to say, so I’m going to leave you…to your….staring at the computer screen wondering why you just wasted your time reading this post.


1 comment:

  1. Nice design. :D
    And yes, Thanksgiving should be observed every day! Except, without all the food.

