Thursday, November 4, 2010

The World Between Worlds- Prologue

So, I’m doing NaNoWriMo and I have this book idea that I’ve started and I think might turn out if I try hard enough. I started writing this yesterday. I wasn’t sure how to start it, but then I remembered that a prologue is a good way to start a book, because it can give you the good information that you need, but not too much. I started on my first chapter too, but I didn’t want to post that quite yet. What you are about to read is very poorly written, but when I start a writing paper or a book the start is always the hardest part. Always. I’ve thought of starting in the middle of the book, and I tried it, but that didn’t work well….at all. It turned out horribly horrendous. So I agreed with my brain that I wasn’t going to do that. So, now for your eyes and everyone else’s I present. The World Between Worlds the PROLOGUE.


“Well? Is everyone here?” the Sheriff called out, his rough voice spreading through the room filled of the worst evil villains yet.

Shouts of “ARGH” or “Come on, let’s get started!” filled the room in response. “Very good, let’s see if we can get this meeting underway, shall we?” he cleared his throat and continued, “We are gathered together at this time to form a group of ultimate power. A group that cannot be defeated. A group to bring down the World Between Worlds!”

Cheers of appraisal echoed off the walls, making the shouting seem louder. The Sheriff held up his hands and yelled loudly, “Quiet! Quiet! All of you know that if the World Between Worlds fall, every other world will collapse with it.”

A lady, adorned in white, stood making herself taller than everyone else in the room. Necks craned up words to be able to watch her ghostly face as she spoke in a chilling voice, “We can finally destroy Narnia and Aslan with it!”

Then, a man, dressed like a pirate stood and shouted, “We can bring down Peter and his mangy lost boys!”

The cheering grew louder and louder, loud enough to burst eardrums. Again, the Sheriff raised his hands and the assembly quieted gradually. “Listen!” he shouted, “we cannot tell anyone about this! Stay quiet. We will meet tomorrow morning at dusk to decide how we’re going to work this out.”

The group slowly broke off, filing out into the World Between Worlds.

I am again sorry for my lack of writing skill in this section, it is truly and honestly completely better in my first chapter. I will most likely be editing this part a little bit…okay, I lied…a lot, but I don’t want to start with that tedious work while I am still working on my first chapter. I also have this other story I want to try. That one is a type of story where I have no plot planned and I have no idea where I’m going with it, I just type away and do on the spot thinking. I’ll actually post that too….right now, just so you can see it.

A flash of light skimmed through the room, revealing a lone child curled into a tight ball, ducking under a cluttered school desk. As soon as the light came, it left. There were no sounds. There were no smells. It seemed that there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. As the light flashed through the crack in the curtains once again, the child moved, not far, but he had moved. When the child had moved, sense filled the atmosphere. Smells vibrated from the walls, sirens wailed in the distance, and silence surrounded the child. Every ten seconds, the light flashed. Every ten seconds, the child moved. Waiting for the flash of light, the child lay still, tight in his ball. After ten seconds, he was prepared for the light, but it didn’t come. The sirens stopped. An eerie silence filled the room. The only sound to be heard was a slight scratching along the wall. Then the smell of fear filled the room. A slight scream. A low growl. Then, BOOM!

Light filled the room as Josiah slowly awoke. Saturday, his favorite day of the week. Groggily, he lifted his head from the pillow and glanced around his room. He slid his feet out of bed, quickly jerking them back in as they touched the surface of the cold floor. Carefully, he stretched one toe out and slowly edged it onto the floor. Then another and another until his whole foot was covering the surface. He placed his other foot onto the floor, then lifted his body, balancing his weight on the two feet.

As I said, I have no idea at all where I’m going with this, so I just kind of typed away. I have no idea what was running through my mind as I started, but it was a little strange…and slightly creepy. I am quite shocked by the outcome of that first paragraph, as I said it is just on the spot thinking. Here is an example. When I draw, I draw best when I don’t think about what I’m drawing and I just let “my hand” do the drawing. When I write on the spot, I don’t even think about what I’m writing. AT ALL! I just let my fingers keep typing and typing. Sometimes I don’t even know half of what I said because I’ll be talking to a friend while I’m just typing away and it actually turns out quite strange. When I was writing this, I wasn’t thinking about it at all, I just typed. I actually was thinking about how i was gonna do a writing paper on why my main character which is a salamander wants to be a frog…

Over and Out.

The amazing, abstract ANGELA!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I like the idea of this story! And it's so cool that you're participating in NaNo!! Maybe next year we can join together!!

  2. lol, I used a lot of exclimation points in that comment. (;

  3. Which oen? the one I'm doing for NaNo or the other weird and slightly creepy one
