Monday, November 1, 2010


So, this year in my Bible Quizzing (I will explain this very well in my next post) I’m memorizing Hebrews, along with a bunch of other great kids from my church. Well, last night as I was reviewing my material, a certain verse popped out at me and that’s Hebrews 4:13 “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” See, you might not think this verse has a lot of meeting, but when you really think about it you can pull so much from this one verse. One, we can’t hide from God. Everything we do and say and think God knows. Two, other people can’t hide from God, it’s not only us. Three, some other people don’t even know who God is, so they don’t realize that God is watching them all the time. Four, if we’re not hidden from God, why should we hide God from us? We don’t tell others about Christ openly, and I know that for an absolute fact. Why? We are hiding. We’re not hiding what we know of scripture, what we know of church, in general we are hiding God. God sees what we’re doing, so why hide him. I challenge you all to not hide God this week. Tell one person who does not know who Christ is about God. Whether you get a good reaction or a bad reaction post about it on your blog. Leave a comment on my blog telling me and I’ll check it out. I’ll definitely be posting on my blog on how my person’s reaction was. I know this is not an easy task. But just think, you can’t hide from God, he’ll always be right there, so if you make a mistake he’ll hear and be there to catch you and guide you through the steps.

God Bless,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for pointing that out, Angela! I never really thought about that verse I do!

