Saturday, July 31, 2010

Talking Tom Cat?

Wow, I seriously have spent like an hour playing with Talking Tom Cat today! I can't believe how hilarious that little guy is! You can have hours of fun talking to him and he repeats EVERYTHING that you say. It is absolutely hilarious and I got a kick out of it.
The dollar theater in a town near us has movies for only one dollar during the summer instead of the usual three dollars, so I'm going to attempt to convince my dad to take me to see Ironman 2 tonight. Hint the word ATTEMPT. I'll try, but I'll see if I fail or not. Oh, and I have a few questions that you can think about for today, instead of my Weekly Stuff. Post what you think about the questions in the comments, I'm trying to make my blog more interactive for others, because when I read others blogs I find myself thinking about how interactive I want it to be.
If you try to fail and you succeed, what did you just do?
I was thinking about this the other day: Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
This is another one that you can ponder for a while and never come up with an answer! Why is "rush hour" called Rush hour when no one is rushing, they just sit there in traffic?
I definitely have more pondering questions like these.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ramona and Beezus

Tonight my mom, two brothers and I went and watched Ramona and Beezus. It was a surprisingly really good movie. I really enjoyed it. Besides us there was only one other family in the theater. There was definitely some parts that were really funny. The sprinkler war, the peanut audition, music class, the colorful car.....haha, that part was funny. It's a "must-see" movie and I suggest that you go and watch it and take your family.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Life in the Heat

So, here's a day in the life of the heat. Hot....very, very hot. One, I can't play anything outside with my little brother because he'll go outside for 10 minutes and go inside because he's "too hot." How is this possible? He has more energy than I do and I can last 45 minutes in this weather!!!! Little children do exaggerate sometimes, that's the problem. It's 94 degrees out today and we beat our record for being outside! 15 minutes! Yay! Once Luke went in, I couldn't really swordfight with myself, so therefore I decided I'd go in we broke our record and then as soon as we were inside, Luke suddenly had the energy to run around the house. Isn't that a little strange? Again I mention the word. Exaggerate.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Poll Results!

And the Poll Results are:
1. What movie do you want to see in the movie theater?
First Place- Toy Story 3 with two votes
Second Place- Sorcerer's Apprentice (which I voted for) Hint Hint mom and dad, I want to see it!
2. Who is your favorite author?
First Place- C.S. Lewis (no surprise here....) with a whopping FOUR VOTES!!!!! (YAY! that means people are looking at my blog)
Second Place- Rick Riordan with 2 votes!!!! (Yay! That's six votes so far!)
Third Place- J.R.R. Tolkien with one vote....
YAY! 7 people voted on this poll!!!!
3. What is your favorite book series?
First Place- Percy Jackson! With 2 votes! Wow...
Second Place- A FOUR WAY TIE!!!! WHOO!!!! Wow....that's different. Here's the books that tied.
Lord of the Rings
The Inheritance Trilogy
The Door Within Trilogy (Which I voted for)
So, you've seen the results! Which did you vote for? Vote on the next polls here at Dragon Fire!

Hot Days...

It's been so hot out lately! I can't stand it! I officially hate going outside in the afternoon, once it gets around six I don't mind it as much because it's a lot cooler but around get's bad....I'm bored of being inside though. Summer is meant for people to be outside. So, my little brother and I have been going outside for 30 minutes a day to practice sword fighting (why we chose to do this every day I have no idea! Why not water gun fights?) with his PVC pipe swords. (One of them is mine, but the other 4 are his, and the colonial guns, and the bow and arrows....) Anyway, it's a lot of fun, although our worst injuries come from ourselves. Yesterday I nailed myself in the head with my sword, once I got over the pain it was quite funny. And I hurt my fingers quite a few times, because only one of our swords had a nice hilt (who's? mine...:D) but, we switch on and off and use different swords so when you don't use mine then the opponent's sword slips on the electric tape which Luke smartly put on the WHOLE sword and then the other swords smacks into your fingers. Good way to injure your opponent, but then they strike back and there go your fingers too. It's fun though...although we come in and drink about 4 glasses of water each. ;)
Angela, the awesome and amazing and wonderful and so cool and obviously the best and radical and out of this world and....okay, I'm done...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Chapter 1- The Death at Dawn

Joshua trudged through the woods, twigs cracking underneath his feet. The sun was just coming up over the horizon and was spreading across the ground. The trail that Josh walked on was dirt although it was covered in leaves and twigs. Trees reached across the path as if they were going to snatch Josh up at any minute. Josh was venturing to his tree house to get away from the fighting.

Every morning in Joshua’s house, a fight arose between his parents. The same thing over and over. His father would do bad stuff throughout the night, then come back in the morning to be welcomed with shouting and tears. By the time this all started, Joshua was usually in his tree fort in the woods. His tree fort seemed to be a sanctuary of peace compared to his house in the morning.

As the sun rose higher, Joshua reached his tree fort. A large tree with many branches filled an open area. A wooden ladder hung down from a ledge of wood boards, which his fort rested on. What seemed like a large box made of wood covered the branches. Josh eagerly stepped on the bottom step of the ladder and started climbing. It took a while to make it to the top, but it was worth it. When he climbed through the curtain that was used as a door, Joshua felt immediate peace and friendliness.

A blue rug covered the wood boards, making the fort homier. In one corner, which was his reading corner, rested a beanbag and a stack of Josh’s favorite books. There was a window in the middle of one of the walls, and a laptop sitting on a table on the opposite side of the reading section. The room was peaceful and perfect for a twelve year old boy to hide out in.

Raised voices entered the room from the door. Sighing loudly Joshua slumped into the beanbag sliding Inkheart out of the book stack. He ran his hands over the cover sadly. His dad had bought him this book for his 11th birthday. Josh had read it more than five times. Josh set it back on the top of the stack and closed his eyes leaning back. The voices flowed into the fort, louder than any other morning. Joshua looked up suspiciously. A scream pierced the air. Immediately sitting up, Joshua leaped out of the bean bag and stuck his head out of the curtain.
This is only a section of the book. I still have more that I will post later. :D

Maya May

Here again are some pictures of my wonderful and amazing dog, Maya May. Her first name is Maya, her middle name is May. She's a husky/lab/english setter. She should be bigger than she really is, but she's actually fairly small. A medium sized dog and great at posing for pictures!
Lily, you did say you liked that picture of Maya, so I thought I'd post a few more. There will DEFINITELY be more pictures of Maya, as there are some on my camera that I have yet to load on the computer.

Piano Keys and Book Pages

I'm writing a piano song that I hope will turn out well, but I still have to see (of course) since I'm not finished with it. I'm using chords instead of notes, since I already wrote a song with notes and it turned out well, I thought I'd try something new. Also, my book is turning out fairly well and I thought that I'd post asmall section of the first chapter today so that you guys can tell me what you think about it. Another thing I'll be adding to post on Weekly Stuff is a section of my book, so I'll have to keep writing more so you guys can keep reading more. :D Today I'm going to the library in town because I was doing the Summer Reading Program and I have to turn in my sheets of paper to earn 2 free books (AMAZING!) and get my name in the prize box drawing (you win cool prizes! hopefully more books!) I'm still not completely well, as I still have my ear infections, although those aren't contagious. I've lost hearing in my right ear which is unfortunate and also kind of cool because I hear things differently than I normally do. Such as, the vacuum cleaner, when it runs I hear it normally in my left ear but it makes my right ear all funny. I get a kick out of this, which also explains that this isn't that interesting because I'm fascinated very easily.


Hehe, this one's of my dog, Maya May.
The love of twins....
This one is funny and I s o want one of these!
I didn't know bears played Ninja Assasin.
Aww....this one's my favorite..
I got a few ADORABLE pictures in an e-mail, some just plain funny....others....are not adorable, but hilarious!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Technical Difficulties

Okay, so I'm having some difficulties with my blog, I cannot make comments on my posts so I will not be commenting on any of the blog posts unless I can work this out. It is not letting me load videos. (I don't really need to load videos) now I can't show you the funeral though. (When it's done I'll give the youtube stuff so you can look it up there.) I'm also having trouble with some of the colors. They still work, but most of the colors are not the ones that I say that I want them to be. :p This isn't that big of a deal, but I thought I'd just add it to my stupid things list. Okay, so here's a few responses to some of the comments.
Rachel- I actually received the info in a card from an forward. (a surprisingly good one about did you know?) I'll be using most of those for my DID YOU KNOW? section.
Lily- Yes, it is with my new camera.

Awesome Pictures!!!

So lately I've been taking LOADS of pictures with my camera. I thought I'd show a few.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today is the WGWGTW Day!

Wind Grease Wasps Germs Tornado watch...
So, we had a lot of wind today and I mean A LOT!!!!! Our whole awning snapped and flew off our deck. (Which we had to catch and take apart to get the wind and rain.) The sky was brown as if there was gonna be a tornado. Trees were horizontal and I almost fell over in the power of the wind. The grill's grease can fell off and coated a small section of our deck in grease, which we had to clean up after the storm. Fun...not! The rain...the, what a great day, also saying I had to stay home from church because I'm STILL's been a week!!! Ugh, the germs, the rain...and not to mention my room has a door that leads to the attic on the ceiling and it seems that there is a wasps nest up there and the wasps have taken a liking to my room. There were three wasps in my room, one which I saw crawl out of the attic! What am I going to do?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Based on the Novel

Why do people get mad if they watch a movie based on a novel and it's not like the book? It's not supposed to be like the book. The key word here is BASED on the novel. Base: A main or important element or ingredient to which other things are added. Does this make sense to you? The movie is not going to be like the book! Like means similar. It will be similar to the book. It will take the main "ingredient" ;the story line. And the "elements" ;the characters. It will add other things to it, correct? just like the definition of based. So the next time you watch a movie BASED on a novel, take this into consideration. Like is similar, based is built off of.

Weekly Stuff

So I had this idea that each Saturday I'll post weekly stuff. It should be a lot of fun, but it requires you guys to post stuff in the comment box. Okay? Great!
We'll start off with Name That Picture! I'm going to post a picture of something and you have to post in the comment box saying what you think it is! I'll post the answer next week on Weekly Stuff. Then we'll have the Did You Know? for the week. And the joke for the week. Now, here's one more that you have to respond to: I'll post a picture up and you'll have to make captions for it! (This should get interesting) and I'll choose my favorite and add it to the picture to repost.
We're having technical difficulties with name that picture, hehe...the picture isn't working, so I'll try again on Wednesday. :D
Ditto for the caption...I can't get the picture to load...
Have you ever thought about playing cards much? Each King on a playing card represents a real king in history!
Diamonds: Julius Caesar
Hearts: Charlemagne
Clubs: Alexander the Great
Spades: King David
Pretty cool, huh?
HAHAHA (the joke of the week)
I know the BEST vacation spot for you! Engagement, Ohio! And yes, all ages are aloud. The only problem is, it's not on the GPS. How do you know how to find it?
It's in between Dayton and Marion.
Work that one out for yourself, most people have to read it out loud to get it.
That's All Folks! Eventually I'll start posting adding things to Weekly Stuff, and of course the pictures weren't working, was still fun!
(You can still make comments, I'm not stopping you_
Over and Out.

Friday, July 23, 2010


I'm finally getting over this cold. I had a fever monday, tuesday, wednesday AND thursday, quite unfortunate actually. And to top it all off I have an ear infection! But now, no fever, just ear infection and sniffles, I'm almost completely healed. My laptop, unfortunately is not working correctly, three of my keys aren't working and it's really a bother.
Now enough of my unfortunate events, let me start telling you of camp and everything. Camp was extremely exciting. I met quite a few new people and I'm happy about that. The Bible lesson topic was on "Young People." You're probably saying, "Young people? how is that a Bible lesson?" Well, Young people CAN make a difference. Take Daniel for instance, he had the courage to enter the lions' den and believe it or not, he was a YOUNG person and changed the King's mind on God! What about the boy who gave up his lunch to feed the crowd? He was a YOUNG person and he gave up all that he had for others! What about David? He killed Goliath! He was prepared for what he needed to do. He was also a YOUNG person! What about Samuel? He spent his life living in a temple! He spoke to God! He was a YOUNG person! That's a recap of the Bible lessons from camp.
I do have to tell this, because this is a funny story. At camp the bunk arrangements were a little funky...four sets of bunks with about a foot and a half gap between the sets, twelve beds in each set. So I was up on a top bunk. Now, before I continue I must say that I am accident prone...(this is bad when you are on a top bunk.) I was doing good the first couple days, I hadn't gotten hurt or anything! I was so proud of myself! Well, my friend Grace and I had invented a bunch of ways of getting onto the top bunks, since they were all connected and there were no bars to use to climb up. So our favorite way was run up, reach up and plant your hands on your bunk and the bunk to your left. Push off and fling yourself onto your bunk. It was so cool and so much fun! Well, Grace was already on her bunk so I decided it might be cool to scare her when I climbed up onto my bunk! I was climbing up had my hands planted I was halfway through the swinging part left elbow buckled....I plummeted to the floor, slamming my head on the lower bunks was quite unfortunate, but then when I was walking around with a goose egg and an ice pack on my head I could say, "Look I fell off a bunk! Isn't that funny?" It ended up turning out cool now that I think about it.
After camp was over, I went over to my awesome cousins house (Callie and Ben.) Not long after I got there (it was a windy day) we realized that a bird's nest had fallen out of a tree! Two little baby birds were on the ground with no mother...we took charge and dug up worms....out of the feed the poor birds. We were having so much fun with them and were going to move them up to the tree house so that the cat couldn't get them, then we had to go eat we covered up the birds for protection from the cat and ate dinner. When we came back out and lifted the cover, only one bird was there, We knew what the cat had done! We searched the grass for the other bird and soon found it....also dead. It was so sad. Well, after we had nothing to do we were bored out of our minds and we thought. Hey! What if we have a funeral service for the birds???? We can dress up in black and then bury them!!!!! We did that and it was fun. I have a video of it but I do not have the patience to load it at the time being...
Over and Out,

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Camp is officially over. I had a very exciting week and I really enjoyed it! I have to post pictures tomorrow as I don't feel like typing a really long post right now. I am really glad I got to go and I had a really amazing time and met quite a few new people that I intend to stay in touch with! Can't wait to tell you all about it!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pleasant Day at Pleasant Hill

Germany shoots and scores!!!! Muller's 5th goal in 6 games! What a miraculous goal! Thankfully, Germany came in third place with a great score of 3-2! Yay Germany! Ben and I listened to the game on the radio, driving our way to Pleasant Hill for an church event. We ate hamburgers and roasted marshmallows to make s'mores with cookies. Then we went swimming in the nasty, but warm lake. We played Chicken and my team lost...then we played freeze tag where you have to swim through the person's legs to unfreeze them. After Callie, Ben, Cassie, and Harrison left it was just Zoe and I and we had fun just catching up. Camp starts tonight so I won't be posting anymore for a little while most likely. After church Ben and I are getting together to watch the World Cup Final Game!!!! The only problem is that he's rooting for Spain and I'm rooting for Netherlands...I want a Netherlands jersey, USA jersey (Donovan), England jersey (Rooney) and a Germany jersey! *hint hint dad*

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Picture Time!!!!

looking through the slots...
Salt and pepper!
Looking down my straw.
My awesome cousin Ben.
My awesome cousin Callie.
Ben's brownie!!!
Here's my absolutely amazing pizza!!!
my delicious cinnamon roll from CiCi's
Here is the amazing sky through the trees!!!
I don't think someone yielded at this sign...
This is the amazing hanger cleaning store...

I was the car....

Friday, July 9, 2010


It looks like 6 people voted on my poll...including me and the official winner is Saphira with 3 votes. Following close behind is....*drumroll* Angela!!!!! with two votes, although half of you probably just voted for her because that's my name....and last (but not least; I don't even know why people say that stupid saying. What does it mean anyways? last but not least...of course your least if your last!!!) RORAN!!!! He received one vote, which I am proud to say...IS FROM ME! Roran is the best character in Eragon, Eldest AND Brisingr. Then Angela and Saphira tie for second in my opinion.

My absolutely, awesome and amazing day!

Today was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!! It started out boring...the same, wake, but at 2:30 grandma and I left to pick up my awesome and amazing cousins. We first went to the Dollar Tree to get cheap candy to eat while watching the movie. After that we made our way to the movie theater. We bought four tickets to see ROBIN HOOD!!!!!! It was absolutely amazing!!!! I loved it....anyway, we ate dinner at Cici's!!!! YAY!!!!! Pizza, cinnamon rolls...all that good stuff. After that we went to....THE THRIFT STORE!!!! What the heck, that's not that exciting but hey we had fun. Then we dropped Callie and Ben off at home and now I'm sitting here...typing....whatever, I have to show you pictures!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rain or Shine? Did you know?

It took forever, but it finally came.
Play games with my cousin.
My day.
Watching Robin Hood with...cousins...ay?
Where are thine?
Oh, my beloved sunshine!
Okay, so that was a fail poem on my part, but what the heck, I tried.
Tonight was fun. My cousins and I played a game outside until it started raining. Then, we had to pick up all the stuff we got out...which was all the rain...After that we went inside. We played games. Trivia games. Fun trivia games. I learned one new thing today! This is so cool:
Jack and Jill are actually based off of King Louis XVI of France who was beheaded (lost his crown) and Jill who was based off of Queen Marie Antoinette, his wife, soon came tumbling after. She was beheaded not too long after him!!!
I thought that this fact was actually really cool, because I never knew it and now I do!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Zoo and Waterpark

This bear was fishing!

In this picture I'm in the undwater polar bear viewing section.
This is so cool!
This is one FAT gorilla....while all the other gorillas were running around and having fun....this poor guy just stayed here....
Yesterday, I had an amazing time with my cousins. We went to a zoo/waterpark/amusement park! It was LOADS of fun! Besides all the sunburn of course. It started out with seeing the polar bears. After we checked out the north America section we decided it was time to go to the waterpark. My cousin Ben and I rode about every waterslide possible and we spent a lot of time in the wave pool, which strangely tasted salty....after that we decided to check out the rest of the zoo. We looked at the penguins, flamingos, bears, manatees, gorillas, etc. It was great! And to top it all off (not really) we ate at Taco Bell for dinner. Amazing day! My sunburn is extremely bad though. We put a bunch of sunscreen on and I don't think it helped....

This was such a cool video because the ray just stayed on the glass.
It looks like he's talking to us, which is kind of funny and he's smiling at the camera!

Monday, July 5, 2010


So, I ended up seeing a firework show after all. It was an okay one, not the best I've seen, but then again not the worst either. I went with my 4 cousins, 2 uncles, 1 aunt and my grandma. It was loud but fun. The bad things about it were finding a parking space (we were driving around for 25 minutes!!!!) and the little kids screaming because it was so scary. Whatever, I guess that's what happens, I probably did that when I was younger too. :p I don't know what I'm doing today. I'll probably read a book tv. (like I did yesterday before the fireworks) On Wednesday, I'm going out with my cousins and a few friends to see
Robin Hood. It's at the dollar theater. Then we're going to the Thrift Store, and to top it all off, we're having a sleepover. But that's on Wednesday and today's only Monday....what am I going to do all week?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

S'mores, Smoke and Stars

Today is going to be a wonderful day. I have church and also it is the fourth of july! Last night my grandma and I went over to my Aunt Lisa's house to celebrate the fourth. We had a bonfire and got to sit around it while eating s'mores. I had two smores and they were extremely yummy!!! Even before that, we went to a book sale that goes on the first weekend of every month. Thankfully, it went on this weekend. :D I got four books which only cost 1.00$!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, happy fourth of july everybody! Enjoy your day and all the food you're probably going to eat today. Remember to save me some cookies. ;)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Beautiful Skies

I had an amazing flight up to Ohio. Nice, clear skies. I got loads of pictures with my new camera, which takes GREAT pics. I'm really excited to be up with my grandma and I can't wait to see all of my aunts, uncles and especially my cousins. At the time, my cousin is helping me download Skype so that I can chat with him on the Webcam! I've never used it before, so we'll see how it works out. I had an amazing night's sleep...I think I've finally caught up on all my sleeping as I slept until 11:30 this morning. :D I was proud of myself. I had a really freaky dream though! Grandma's taking me to a book sale today where they sell books for 25 cents a piece!!!!! :o Still trying to plan our fourth of july plans...tonight we're either going over to my aunt's or going to a fireworks show. :p I've seen a lot of fireworks in my life, so if we do that...idk, I'm sort of looking forward to it, but not really...:p have a great fourth of july everybody!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Idiot's Guide to Allergies

If you have allergies to something, the best thing to do is STAY AWAY FROM IT!!!! I sadly figured this out today. I am allergic to cats, which is very sad...:( anyway, I was in the Used Bookstore in town, which WAS amazing. They have cats there. Two to be exact. Adorable, long-haired cats....:p I didn't think that I was very allergic at all until I pet a cat. There was fur everywhere and the whole place smelled bad...:/ After I pet the cat, I kept looking at books, then funniest thing, I started feeling itchy. When we left I was in the car rapidly scratching my stomach and my back when I realized....I HAD HIVES!!!! really bad....all over everywhere...we had to stop at Dollar General and buy Benadryl...I AM NEVER GOING IN THAT BOOKSTORE AGAIN!!!!!

New Blog

Finally got a blog and can't wait to start using it more. Starting out, I have a few reasons that I wanted a blog.
1. To keep my friends updated
2. To be able to say what I'm doing when I'm on vacation
3. To post excerpts of my books
Number 3 is one of my biggest reasons. I'll most likely post the first chapter of my book soon and then new character ideas and story ideas.