Sunday, July 4, 2010

S'mores, Smoke and Stars

Today is going to be a wonderful day. I have church and also it is the fourth of july! Last night my grandma and I went over to my Aunt Lisa's house to celebrate the fourth. We had a bonfire and got to sit around it while eating s'mores. I had two smores and they were extremely yummy!!! Even before that, we went to a book sale that goes on the first weekend of every month. Thankfully, it went on this weekend. :D I got four books which only cost 1.00$!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, happy fourth of july everybody! Enjoy your day and all the food you're probably going to eat today. Remember to save me some cookies. ;)


  1. The sky was clear and beautiful! you could see most of hte constellations!

  2. Two books in some series I've never heard of that looked, The Eye of the Crow which is about Sherlock Holmes as a kid...and, Grimpow...some book that I wanted to get at the library but decided not to. I was really excited to see it at the bookstore!
