Friday, July 2, 2010

Idiot's Guide to Allergies

If you have allergies to something, the best thing to do is STAY AWAY FROM IT!!!! I sadly figured this out today. I am allergic to cats, which is very sad...:( anyway, I was in the Used Bookstore in town, which WAS amazing. They have cats there. Two to be exact. Adorable, long-haired cats....:p I didn't think that I was very allergic at all until I pet a cat. There was fur everywhere and the whole place smelled bad...:/ After I pet the cat, I kept looking at books, then funniest thing, I started feeling itchy. When we left I was in the car rapidly scratching my stomach and my back when I realized....I HAD HIVES!!!! really bad....all over everywhere...we had to stop at Dollar General and buy Benadryl...I AM NEVER GOING IN THAT BOOKSTORE AGAIN!!!!!


  1. Cats? In a bookstore? I'm sorry that happened. Hopefully there are other used bookstores that you can go into without being bothered by any cats. :)

  2. Haha, the lady does like her cats with her...:p yeah, I'm sure that I'll have to go to other bookstores sometime though
