Sunday, October 31, 2010

What Would Jesus Do?

As I was sitting here tonight, looking at other people’s blogs, I decided to check my own out, so I went to my blog dashboard and realized: No one is commenting on my blog, so that means no one is reading my blog (read last blog post.) I was starting to get discouraged and I didn’t think it was worth posting any more posts. I thought I would post my last post about I was sorry that I wasn’t posting anymore…blah blah blah, but then a thought crossed my mind: What Would Jesus Do? It struck me that I could make a difference through my blog posts. I could show people what it’s like to just share about God’s love. God wouldn’t want me to quit when I’ve barely started. So I made a choice. No matter how many people read my blog or comment or even follow my blog, I will keep posting. Why? Because this is a way of sharing faith, a way of talking freely about my beliefs.

I was reading Owl City’s blog. Their lead singer posted something recently. A song. A song that he recorded. You know what that song was? In Christ Alone. A great song that! I had known that Adam was a Christian, but this was so cool to see him posting this. I loved it and listened to it over and over and over again. I like how he recorded it and it’s really encouraging. I suggest that you check it out.

Also, here I am with Day 30 and 31. My last two days.

Day 30- My favorite song at this time.

See, I would have said something like Your Love Is A Song by Switchfoot or maybe something like Castaway by Chasen or Your Are More by Tenth Avenue North, but I’ve said earlier, In Christ Alone. A great song. See I like Chris Tomlin’s version and I’ve heard all the other versions out there, but my all time favorite is Adam’s version. Right now that is my all-time favorite song.

Day 31- Halloween. What I did.

So…my county’s trick-or-treating was last night and I had made plans. Great plans. See, I would have gone trick-or-treating, but I wasn’t so sure. I wanted to do something better than that. I wanted to do something crazy awesome. I wanted to scare people. So, I put my plan into action. I dressed up as a scarecrow. I had Cabela’s hiking boots on, overalls, a flannel jacket, a pillowcase over my head with a face glued on it, a straw hat, work gloves, straw sticking out of holes, and a bandana. I sat on the porch with a bowl of candy in my lap with my hands resting on the rims of the bowl. My dad sat across from me telling kids to take only one piece out of the bowl. Depending on the age, when the kid or teenager would stick there hand into the bowl, I’d grab them. It was beautiful. I scared a bunch of kids out of their wits and a few just jumped. I had a lot of fun with it and I had a great Halloween. And you gotta love all the little kids dressed up in the adorable costumes. I saw a Buzz Lightyear and it was my favorite costume of the night. The boy was about three years old and had the suit on. He had little blow-up wings attached to his back and each time he turned they hit people. He was absolutely adorable. Next year though I think I’ll actually take on the trick-or-treating. :D

Angela, the scarecrow!!!!!! DUN-DUN-DUNNNNN!!!!!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 28….and 29….and a bunch of random stuff

So, I do realize that generally and sadly I am behind in my days….I have no idea why I didn’t post yesterday, because I had an opportunity to I guess I just didn’t take it in time…anyway, I’m making up for my tardiness and procrastination (which I am mentioning late…I wonder why….as one of my bad habits…lol) Ack! I’m getting off track. Okay….onto Day 28

Day 28- A picture of myself from last year and how much I’ve changed

This is extremely hard to be breaking the news to you guys….but I don’t exactly have a picture of me from last year. Yeah…this is a little awkward telling you this, because you’re all like, “Are you kidding me?! How can you NOT have a picture of yourself from only last year!!!!” Yeah, yeah…I am ashamed. The truth is though, (I do have an simple, yet farfetched explanation) that I don’t have any pictures on this computer. Now you’re probably thinking, “Just get on another computer, silly…” Well, I would get on the Mac…but I don’t have any pictures of me on that machine either because we got that fairly recently. The only machine I can get pictures off of is the old one and it’s not working….so….there you go. I have an excuse.

Day 29- What I’ve learned this past month

I have learned many things this last month, but there is No Way you want to hear ALL  the things I’ve learned. One major thing though (no offense) is that NO ONE (with an exception of Lily) is giving me any feedback on ANY of my posts! Here I am trying to write to the reader, but I have NO idea what the reader wants to read because I’m not getting responses. Are any of you even reading this or am I just rambling on talking to Lily? I don’t think so. So…therefore, to know HOW MANY readers there REALLY are respond back to this post and tell me that you are reading this. :D Thank you.

Random Stuff-  So I have a few wacko and random things for this week. Well the first is you need to check out! It is So cool! So once you get there click the link to talk to the CEO guy…it’s the link that says “intellitar.” I was overly entertained by this guy today. I talked to him for hours…haha. You may think this is weird reading this, but once you check it out for yourself, you’ll realize….this is SO COOL!

Anyway, that is all the interesting things and Days for today. So therefore I am outta here!

Angela the CAPS fan.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Some of my photography

Just thought I’d show you some of my recent photography. I really enjoy photography but I haven’t posted any pictures recently…so now is the time. :pCamping 032

I love this picture! I’m like way up high on all these rocks and the land was beautiful!

Camping 083

This was SO cool! This is a shadow of one mountain on another mountain. IT was absolutely beautiful. You can’t see it very well in this picture, but the edges of the shadow are blue and yellow tints and it was SO cool!

Camping 131

This isn’t the best photography ever…look closer, that red person is a ROCK CLIMBER! It was so high up and it was SO crazy!

Camping 136

This is amazing! This picture shows how high I am, I’m actually standing on TOP of the mountain looking off of this cliff at the land. So Amazing!!!

Camping 157

This is the swimming hole. The water was too cold for us to get in, but it was awesome. We threw rocks in and took lots of pictures.

Camping 159

here’s another angle of the swimming hole. and yes, that is a tire.Camping 164

My friend had just thrown a large rock into the water. I thought it was cool…:p

Camping 210

The only reason I’m posting this picture is because it looks like this tree is On FIRE!!!! You might not see it at first, but when you really look at it, it really looks like it’s burning up!

Camping 233

I’m standing out on this wooden diving board looking out at the lake. It’s really cool with the sun reflecting off of it. the trees in the background are all red and yellow and green. They’re really cool.

Camping 252

This picture is so cool! We went up on the mountain to watch the sunset. It was so totally awesome. The layers that you can see of the mountains is probaby one of the coolest parts, but I really like how the sky is near the sun.

Camping 258

Here is one more of the sunset. I really like this picture too.


Here is the last picture of my camping trip I’m going to show you. Here I’m up on the mountain lookind down at the dead tree and the rest of the mountain. The trees in this picture are all brightly colored and pretty.

Now, I must say, I am enjoying this post, so I’m going to post some more pictures now that are not of my camping trip.

I couldn’t remember if I posted this picture or not…but I’m doing it anyway…

Washington Capitals 001

This is Mike Green. My favorite hockey player. Number 52 on the capitals one of the best defensive hockey players out there. :D This was so cool. Lol, that’s not GOOD photography, but it is one of my favorite pictures I’ve taken and I thought I’d share it. :p

Now, here are some hockey action shots I took at the game on Saturday night. We have pretty good seats, so I thought I’d take some pictures.

Washington Capitals 023

This is Alex Ovechkin. This is during the practice before the game.

Washington Capitals 042

This is Nick Backstrom starting with a face-off.

Washington Capitals 048

I know there are a few heads in this picture….but…it’s still cool.

That is all I have on the Washington Capitals. Now we are at the Corn Maze. This is one of those ladder thingies that you have to climb up to the top. You didn’t have to pay, so we all did it over and over. Of course, I took my camera to this too. So I took a bunch of pictures of people falling, but this is the one that turned out. I smudged the face for safety reasons.Falling

Haha, this was a long post…but I hope you enjoyed it!

Day 27

Day 27- A post about why I am doing this 30 day challenge.

Well, I heard about it from Lily Litten, who gives me a bunch of great ideas for blog posting. She was starting it and I thought it sounded cool. I also thought it would give me more to post than what I had been posting.

Now that I’m nearing the end I’ve realized, there are 31 days in October and I only have 30 days, so the last day is going to be a big surprise that I’m going to spring up on you guys. :D Yeah…I don’t know what it is yet, but we’ll see.

This font is a little weird. I thought i’d mention that since I am using it…

Anyway, so I have this whole Halloween thing planned, I’ve never been trick-or-treating before, I plan to go next year, but I have decided to hand out candy this year because I had so much fun doing it last year. IT’ll be loads of fun…MUAHAHAHAHAH! According to my plans…;)

I’m sorry for the lack of information or fun in reading this post. I’m sorry readers for how boring this has turned out.Once I find my journal from when I was 9 years old, then I will post my stories that I wrote, which were hilarious. :D Btw! How’s come no one is following my blog! I still only have five followers. For what reason?

Over and Out.

The little “A”

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So…Day 26- What I think of friendship

i think friendship is a very valuable piece of heart. Friendship is a bond between two people, both whom can call the other “friend.” Friendship is something to cherish. You can also easily change it to Friedshrimp….but that might just be me. Friendship is a great thing. I have friends who are both older than me and younger than me and I can call them my friend, because I think it means that you enjoy to be around that person; you have fun with that person; they have fun with you.

That is what I think of friendship even though it is slightly complicated and random…and all mixed together.

Now, at the time, I am eating an Oreo and wondering…what do people think of daydreaming? Is it just a basic thing that everyone does? Or is it something that only kids under 20 do and get in trouble for? Is it something that you do all the time? Is it something you only do when you’re extremely bored?

You give me your response.

Two families in my church are going on a missions trip to Indonesia. Some of the people going are my age and some are a little older. Please pray that they will all be safe and that they will have fun, but also be able to complete their “mission.”

Over and Out.

The Big “A” (Angela)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 24 and 25

Again, I must state the fact (sadly) that I am sorry for the lateness of this post. I should have posted Day 24 yesterday, but I guess I was just a little too busy…sorry…

Day 24-A letter to my parents

Dear parents

You are my parents. You let me have this blog and for that I am very thankful. I also think I should be given the right to own a cellphone.


haha, that wasn’t much….but I tried?

Day 25- My purse and generally what I always have with me

This is very sad. I do not carry a purse. I carry a knapsack. I love it. It is green and reversible to white, and the brand is Adidas. Anyway, I always carry with me:

1. My Bible, this is definitely needy. I use it for reference to a lot

2. A notebook (in case I hear something and want to write it down or have any need for paper)

3. Headphones

4. Usually my iPod, but sometimes it is not in there

5. A bunch of pens, because they usually seem to run out of ink the moment I need them most

6. A few mints for when I am most desperate for a snack (I realize that this is not very filling, but I take it anyways)

7. Wax for my braces

8. my camera (you never know when a great camera opportunity arises)

That’s about all, but sometimes I carry other things around with me. :D and if I had a cellphone that would be on the list two, but I do not unfortunately have a cellphone….

and I must mention. I hate  this spacing, but this is how it works…so…

myself Tags: , , ,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 23

So when I started this 30 days thing, I couldn’t keep up and I just wanted to stop, I was sick of it. But now I never want it to stop and I’m definitely not sick of it. I wish it was like a 365 days thing….(there are 365 days in a year right? Just kidding…no really…right?)

Anyway, here it is.

Day 23 - I'll write about some of my intense cravings.

Well, there you go. This is what I am to write about. Um…so what does it mean by intense? Does that mean…I HAVE to have it? Or does that mean I want it? Whatever. Here are some of my most recent and at the time cravings.

  1. Chinese food. I must say, even when I do fulfill this craving, I don’t even care, I just want more and more and more. I could eat Chinese food nonstop. When I start I can’t stop and I never get full….no idea why though.
  2. I’m craving dark chocolate. But then again….I’m always craving dark chocolate. (Hey! Maybe that’s what it means by intense!)
  3. Cherry Dr. Pepper. One of my favorite things in the Whole Wide World! I love it…..*sighs dreamily*

Is it possible to crave to do something? Because I’m really craving playing four square or….Ping Pong! I’ll be playing that tomorrow morning….

Yeah…that’s about all I have to say about cravings. Sorry I couldn’t tell you more, but there’s not much to tell. You’d agree if you had to tell about cravings.

Anyway, I’m leaving in an hour or so to head off to a Washington Capitals game. (Gotta love it.) I can’t wait! I get to see Nick Backstrom play…and Mike Green…and Alex Ovechkin…and….yeah, I don’t want to bore you by me running through the whole roster…

Oh yeah, and if anyone that means YOU! have ANY ideas at all for another thing to say about in an upcoming blogpost, do tell, because I’m running out of ideas, and that’s not the best idea ever…



Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 22

Today is the 22nd day of my 30 days..I coming close to the end and I am quite sad. I’m finally getting the hang of doing this…although I think I should add a 31st day, because October has 31 days. Anyway…today is Why I am Me. Um…this is quite a strange one, that I should have some trouble with, but we’ll see.

This is why I am me:

I am me and me is I, so me can be I and I can be me, but me can’t be you and you can’t be I. I am me. Me is me. I is I. You is You. God made me me and I. I am me, my own special person. I am me. Me is Me. Me is I. I am I. I is not You. Me is not you. You is not me. You is not I.

That is why I am me and not you.

Over and Out.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 21

Day 21- A picture of something or someone that makes me happy.

Generally, it would be easy telling you something that makes me happy, but now I have to have a picture of it! This stuff is tough…Camping 087

This is it. The sun coming through the trees like this and being able to define every single ray of light. I find this amazing. I really love pictures like this. It makes you realize that God is amazing. His creation is amazing. The first thing he made is what we are staring at in this picture. What we see every day. Light. Like this pictures, why can’t you let your rays of light show. Be a light and shine for Jesus.


Over and Out.


I did this myself btw.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 20

Day 20- My Dream Guy

I must say, this is a strange post. I have no idea what I am supposed to say in this post… Yeah. So…my dream guy MUST possess this qualities:

1. Strong Christian

2. Athletic

3. Likes to Read Books

4. um…

5. I can’t think of anymore…

yeah, that’s about it, other than that, I’m wide open!



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 19

Day 19- My nicknames I have and why I have them
Honestly, I can't think of any of my nicknames, which is quite unfortunate. I'm sorry as I keep not posting a lot of info on me. Yesterday I was rushing to post. But I will tell you about last night if you wish.

Last night was crazy awesome! As season ticket holders to the Washington Capitals Hockey Team, we received two tickets to go to Six Flags for an exclusive autograph signing. When my dad and I first got there, we headed to the Gotham Arena so that we could get in line to get Mike Green's autograph. (He's my alltime favorite hockey player.) After he signed my jersey, we headed straight over to the line to get Nick Backstrom's autograph, my second favorite hockey player. It was so cool! Yeah, it might not sound that interesting, but it was.

How do other blogs have so many followers?

Over and Out.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 18

My plans/dreams/goals for the future. want to be an author/photographer.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 16 and 17

Wow, like I am really really really having trouble getting these days. Looks like I have to make up more. So here it goes

Day 16- Another picture of myself and something I am thinking of at that exact moment.

okay here is a picture of me, yes I am in this. I am the one doing the "h." This for the Ohio State Buckeyes. Aren't I pretty? Haha...

Now for the thing that I'm thinking of at this exact moment. I'm wondering what I'm thinking of...RED ROBIN! (YUM!!!!)


Day 17- Someone I would want to switch lives with for a day and why.

I think it would be fun to switch places with someone like a youth pastor or something to see what they do for a job and experience it. Yeah..that's a hard one to do.

Over and Out.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Days 13, 14, 15...I think....

Wow, I admit, I'm getting really behind in my blog posting...I think I'm supposed to be posting the 13th, 14th, and 15th days today, but I'm not absolutely sure. I'll do it anyway.

Day 13- Write a letter to someone.
Strange enough....I don't get, time to write a letter to someone. Since I wrote someone, I've been sitting here....staring at the screen....debating wo to write a letter to. I ran over many choices in my mind....Lily, my good friend Camryn, and even my dog....but I finally came down to one decision. So here it goes....
Zachary, my favorite oldest brother,
You're probably one of the best oldest brothers I've ever had. You've played fun games with me. You've let me borrow your books. You've helped me with the math I don't understand. Now, you're a senior in school, you're going to be going away next ear. I'll miss you, but while you're still here, I'll love you as much as I can. Thanks for being the best oldest brother ever!
I agree it wasn't very long, but it still counts right?

Day 14- More of my friends!
More friends? Oh
Emmelyne- The one who loves all the animals; the one who wants to be called "Mo"; the one who is short but doesn't worry about it; the one who loves her special dog, Jack.
Jesus- my best friend in the whole entire universe. He loves me. He cares for me. He wouldn't ever let me get hurt. He died for me. He showed me the right path.
I agree, I need to show more friends...but there is the fact, I don't have too many friends and...yeah...

Day 15- Ten of my favorite songs.
The only problem with this one is picking which ones are my favorite.
1. Castaway by Chasen
2. Rebirthing by Skillet
3. Viva La Vida by Coldplay
4. Lift Me Up by The Afters
5. Live It Up by Group 1 Crew
6. Alright With Me by Kris Allen
7. Healing Begins by Tenth Avenue North
8. You Are More by Tenth Avenue North
9. My Best Days Are Ahead Of Me- Danny Gokey
10.Your Love Is A Song- Switchfoot calls.....
Over and Out.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So I was getting really fed up with that other I decided to change it is though, my new one. :D

Days 11 and 12

Again, I'm behind in my days. I am truly sorry for, so I guess I'll start with Day 11, that would make sense, wouldn't it?
Day 11- Songs I listen to when I'm happy, sad, bored, need to be pumped up and mad.
Well, here it goes.
Happy- Castaway by Chasen, The Lost Get Found by Britt Nicole, and Go Tell I On the Mountain by Tenth Avenue North.
Sad- Um...Love In Your Name by Chasen, Headphones by Britt Nicole....and Healing Begins by Tenth Avenue North
Bored- Beautiful Day by Lee Dewyze, My Best Days Are Ahead of Me by Danny Gokey and Jesus Take The Wheel by Carrie Underwood. (Isn't that a coincidence that they're all past American Idol competitors?)
Need to be pumped up- Rebirthing by Skillet, Hard To Believe by VOTA...and Dance by David Crowder Band
Mad- Castaway by Chasen, Whispers in the Dark by Skillet, Be Mine by VOTA (this set is quite strange)
Day 12- My favorite foods and why?
I love chinese food! All types. It's just so good. You have the spicy, the tasty, and tangy flavors all mixed together! It's great! Let's see....there's also....Italian. I love italian! You have the sweet Marinara sauce, the Noodles, and the Spices all together to make most italian foods. That's probably it....haha
What now?
I have absolutely NO IDEA what to talk about now. I could ramble on and on about random things, but you might not enjoy that. I could start telling you about some book that I know a lot about; maybe a cd that I love; maybe a comic strip I love. I could tell you about all these things, but they may not interest you. I like to write my blog to the people and what they want to hear, not what I want to write. Help me out. What do YOU want to hear? Sure, I'll still write it, but I don't want you guys to get bored.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Days....8, 9, and 10

Day 8- Someone who still inspires me today.
This is definitely a tough one. Not really....but it's gotta be C.S. Lewis. If I'm having a writer's block all I have to do is pick up one of his books and read it and I'm not stuck any more!
Day 9- What my dream job would be.
Oh boy. I really really really want to be an author or an photographer. But the one thing I've always wanted to do is to do one of these as my cover job and actually be an FBI Agent. :p
Day 10- Something I've been proud of recently.
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Over and Out. Angela

Finally Home

I'm finally home from my long (not really) camping trip. My clothes all smell like smoke. The view from Spruce Nobb (or however you spell it) was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! It's the highest point in West Virginia and it's absolutely beautiful!!!

I promise I WILL post pictures...just not now

Friday, October 8, 2010

Leaving (Last Fashion Show)

Here are my amazing so comfortable soccer shorts. There is pink on them, if you can't see. They're really comfortable and light weight and they are NIKE.
This is my great ADIDAS shirt that I wear to soccer practice, long car rides....etc. It's really comfortable and a good color too.

I am leaving to go camping!!! Whoopee! I have to say though, I won't be here to get the last one in....:( Whatev....tomorrow I'm going to be wearing jeans, a longsleeve shirt, sweatshirt...etc....Today is just an outfit fit for driving two and a half hours. I'll post a picture anyway, and I will post a picture of my outfit tomorrow, I won't post it tomorrow, but I will post one. After I'm done camping of course.
Adidas shirt - Kohls'
Nike Shorts - Dick's Sporting Goods
Over and Out.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 6....and 7...

The first thing is Day 6. A picture of someplace I've been and a story behind it.

This is my sliding door. In my house. It has a lot of history in this picture. The place where this door is, we used to have a window. We actually had no deck at all. Now we have a deck, a sliding door and nice deck furniture.

Day 7 - What my favorite book, movie, tv show, and artist are along with why I like them.

Okay, so here it goes.

Book- The Thief Lord. I don't know all the reasons I love this book so much. I have a few different reasons though. One, I love ALL the characters, they're all so loveable, especially Bo, who is my favorite book character over all. Two, I love Cornelia Funke! She's a great author. She actually just released a new book called Reckless, which I want so very much. Three, the storyline of the book was great.

Movie- Man, I always get asked this question but I NEVER have a good enough answer. I love Anastasia. That's a grea movie and cartoon! Then...hmm....X-men, that's a REALLY REALLY good movie....and then....other cartoon movies I like are Charlie Brown Christmas, Up, Hercules, Beauty and the Beast and Ponyo. Now people....probly Alice in Wonderland, Letters to God, Beezus and Ramona, Robin Hood, Iron Man 2 and....Bedtime Stories.

TV Show- I have a few favorite tv shows. I really like American Idol, America's Got Talent, The Legend of the Seeker, Robin Hood BBC, and two of my FAVORITES: Challenge (Food Network) and 24 Hour Restaraunt Battle (also Food Network)

Artist- Honestly I don't know if this means painter or I'm going to do both. My favorite artist is Picasso. The singer would be...Stellar Kart, Tenth Avenue North, Chasen, Switchfoot, David Crowder Band, Skillet, Soundtracks, and a lot of other things. I like all Christian Rock. IT's SO GREAT!

Over and Out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Autumn Modest Fashion Showcase

Here I am forgetting to post again, but don't worry, here's today's outfit.

Here is my outfit today. It is still quite chilly outside, so I most likely will be wearing a white hoodie that's furry, for when I go outside.
This hat is great. (I did hide my face, I'm sorry.)
I love these shoes. They're SO comfortable, altough your feet MAY get a little cold.
I am sad to say that I only have two pairs of jeans and these are the same pair I wore yesterday.

I love this shirt. It's so comfortable.

Shirt- Kohls
Jeans- Thrift Store
Shoes- Payless
Hat- A gift from a friend

Over and OUt. Angela

Day 5

I must admit, this one will be tough to write about...NOT! Okay, so I do have MANY bad habits, but if I were to choose one, (I'll probably end up writing about more than one anyways.) I must say.....cracking my knuckles. This IS a habit I am trying to rid myself of. I really don't want arthritis when I'm older so I've been trying to break this habit. It's such a hard one to break! I tend to crack my ankles, my toes, my back, my wrists, my fingers, my knuckles on my fingers, my many things...DID YOU KNOW? When you crack your knuckles you are actually seperating you bone and letting out air which causes the pop. Sorry, just thought I'd share that bit of info. I'm really trying hard to break this habit.
One of my other habits is biting my nails. But I think this one is now broken due to I can't bite my nails with braces. :D
I also have the sad habit of using the word "so." I hate this habit too....As you see looking back at the rest of this post I've already used it once or twice, but I try to not use it as much as I can.
Over and Out.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 4

I assume that today is the wonderful post about my wonderful friends. Now, may I first say, I have quite a few friends and I don't know which ones I should describe, but I'll start with:
1. Lily Litten. Lily is a GREAT friend! She is really inspiring and encouraging with everything. Not to mention she LOVES soccer!!!! And books!!!!
2. My older brother would have to be one of my best friends which is slightly strange, but he's awesome and I love him! There's not much else to describe him but that.
3. My friend from church, Camryn. She's really, really, really awesome! She's inspiring, encouragin, an strong christian and a REALLY good singer.
Anway, eatin' dinner.
Over and Out..

Autumn Fashion Showcase

I am so very sorry that I am yet again late on an event such as this one. I am quite disappointed in myself at this. But, I'm joining now and I will post today's outfit, I'm sorry I cannot post yesterdays, as of I it is dirty and I would not like to put on dirty clothes to get pictures of it. :p So I'll just put todays and continue with tomorrows, so on and so forth.
These jeans are casual blue jeans, that are extremely comfortable and warm especially on dreary days like these.
Here I am wearing a marvelous, red and pink button up shirt over a long-sleeve red tshirt. This is a basic fall outfit that I wore today for a school day. Not something too dressy, but xtremely comfortable. And te colors fit for fall.

I am so sorry for the not very good pictures, because I have taken them with my laptop and I didn't have very good lighting, nor views...and I can't really move much due to a knee injury.

Jeans- Thrift Store
Button Up-Kohls'
Long-sleeve- Kohls'
The shoes that are not shown - Red and white Nike athletics from Dick's Sporting Goods.
I know, it's not as good as everyone elses' outfits, but then again I'm not THAT dressy...
Over and Out.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 3 (ALREADY??!?!?!)

I was so not prepared for Day 3 already...gosh that's horrible of me! Truly I am sorry....but I can't help it, I've been gone all day. So Day 3 is 'something about my family.' (This may be hard.) I'll start with, I have two siblings. An older brother and a younger brother. Sadly enough I must admit, IT CAN BE FUN SOMETIMES. Please do hint the word sometimes though. It is a key factor here. I would like to make a point. Having one brother who's seventeen, one who is nine and you being the only girl in between can be hard. I have a mom and a dad and a crazy, nutso dog whom I love very much. There's not much else I could say....oh! My older brother is in his senior year and is graduating!!!! Isn't that HORRIBLE! I don't want him to leave....I definitely will miss him, I have one year left with him, let's hope it's a good one! *groans* I have like.....4 years left with my little bro....EEP!
Anyway, that's my family. If you so dearly want, I will post pictures...
Over and Out.
(I did not do Redskins colors on purpose, due to I don't like the Redskins. By the way, the Saints won today!!!! *Whoot Whoot*)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


We played a GREAT soccer game today. I'm very proud of our team. Most of it. The final score was like 9-1 or 10-1. We played really well and worked as a team great. The ref was horrible!!!! I played right defense again which was good, because I'm good at that position.

On the way home, Abby was riding with us. We passed this ugly green jeep and we were sitting by it when we were at a red light. The guy in the jeep was one of those wacko looking guys with the weird beard. He was talking to himself, as there was no one else in his car. So, naturally I rolled down my window to hear what he was saying. (His window was open by the way.) He looked over at me and then did like five double takes for some really strange reason. All I did was stare at him. He said, "You're wearing a green shirt! You woke me up!" I was It was quite strange and kind of creepy. I rolled up my window.

Over and Out.

Day 2 two: What made me start blogging and what my blog name means.
So I have to admit, Lily inspired me to start blogging, I read her blog every day and I thought. Man! I gotta get one of those! So after my begging, a lot of it too, I finally received my blog. So that is the reason. Here is the name meaning. I couldn't think of anything and dad was getting impatient, so I just randomly decided DRAGON FIRE. I love dragons and fantasy creatures and adding fire to the end just sounded awesome. So those are the reasons behind my blog.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 1

So supposedly the first day I have to post a picture of...who would guess? ME! Yep, so I have this fear of posting pictures of myself...I mean anyone could be looking at it!!!! So here's the deal with today...FACE THE FEAR! So I decided I'd post a picture of myself...This picture was taken by my older brother while we were at the beach.

Yes, I admit, it shows nothing of my face at all....but remember I'm still fairly frightened. This way it's easier for me AND you can still see me. :D It's sort of recent...NOT! like a few months ago, that's not that bad right? THAT'S BAD! I am extremely sorry for the not AS recent thing.

New Template?

So I was seriously getting sick of that other blog template and I found two new ones that I liked this being one of them. I wasn't sure how it would look you can tell me what you think of this one. And once I get some feedback I'll try the other one. :D haha...

So my amazing blogging friend gave me this idea and I've seen it before, so I thought I might do it too. Thank you Lily. I keep taking all the ideas you have...but...hey! You have good ideas.

Day 01 - A recent picture of me.
Day 02 - What made me start blogging and what my blog name means
Day 03 -A post about my family----maybe some pictures or something.
Day 04 -A post about my friends----probably describing some good ones or something.
Day 05 -I'll be writing about one of my bad habits. Still have to figure out which one! ;)
Day 06 - A picture of someplace I've been and a story behind that picture.
Day 07 - What my favorite book, movie, tv show, and artist are, along with why I like them.
Day 08 - Someone from history who still inspires me today.
Day 09 - What my dream job would be.
Day 10 - Something I've been proud of recently.
Day 11 - Songs I listen to when I'm happy, sad, bored, need to be pumped up, and mad.
Day 12 - I'll describe my favorite foods and why they are my favs.
Day 13 - A letter to someone----don't really get this one, but okay!
Day 14 - This post will be about some more of my friends, just so no one feels left out. ;)
Day 15 - Ten of my favorite songs.
Day 16 - Another pic of myself, and something I'm thinking of at that particular moment.
Day 17 - SOmeone I would want to switch lives with for a day, and why.
Day 18 - My plans/dreams/goals for my future.
Day 19 - What nicknames I have and why I have them.
Day 20 - my dream guy. Does it need an explanation? ;) Lol, that's what Hope wrote. I'd have to agree with her on that one. :)
Day 21 - A picture of something or someone that makes me joyful.
Day 22 - A post describing why I am me.
Day 23 - I'll write about some of my intense cravings.
Day 24 - A letter to my parental unit (aka, my parents).
Day 25 - My purse, and in general what I always have with me.
Day 26 - What friendship means to me.
Day 27 - A post about why I'm doing this 30 Day Challenge.
Day 28 - A picture of moi from last year, and how I've changed since then.
Day 29 - What I've learned this past month.
Day 30 - My favorite song at this time. After all, it changes pretty frequently. :D
Over and Out. ANGELA