Saturday, October 2, 2010


We played a GREAT soccer game today. I'm very proud of our team. Most of it. The final score was like 9-1 or 10-1. We played really well and worked as a team great. The ref was horrible!!!! I played right defense again which was good, because I'm good at that position.

On the way home, Abby was riding with us. We passed this ugly green jeep and we were sitting by it when we were at a red light. The guy in the jeep was one of those wacko looking guys with the weird beard. He was talking to himself, as there was no one else in his car. So, naturally I rolled down my window to hear what he was saying. (His window was open by the way.) He looked over at me and then did like five double takes for some really strange reason. All I did was stare at him. He said, "You're wearing a green shirt! You woke me up!" I was It was quite strange and kind of creepy. I rolled up my window.

Over and Out.

1 comment:

  1. Bahahahaha. I witnessed the guy in the green jeep, and I verify the story. :P that was fun!
