Sunday, November 7, 2010

Journal Entries

Lately, I have been promising myself that I would post some journal entries from when I was younger. Sadly, I couldn’t find the exact journal that I was looking for, but I thought I’d post some stuff from my 2004-2005 School journal. I was 6 years old when I did this, so…you can’t blame me for the silliness of it all.

September 3rd, 2004-

I will never eat spinach because it looks yucky. And it looks like grass. Spinach looks like nasty garbage even know its a veggie. Never ever am I going to ever eat spinach.

September 30th, 2004-

Once upon a time there was a cowboy and his name was Bill. One day Bill was riding on his horse and Bill found a indian in the woods. ill took out his gun and shot the indian. Bill rode over to the dead indian and it was his friend. Bill rode home and went inside. Bill forgot to tie up his horse. He ran outside but his horse was gone. He went to the indian village and traded gold for a horse and corn. He rode home on his new horse. He tied up his horse. He went inside and cooked his corn. He said to himself, “I shouldn’t have even shot that indian.” Then Bill and the indians all got together and that was the end of that story.

November 5th, 2004-

Georg Bush won!!! He was against Kerry. Kerry lost the election. I was happy that he won because my mom and dad voted for him. I like who my mom and dad like.

February 23rd, 2005-

On Saturday I had a birthday party. We went to see Pooh Heffalump Movie. We came home and ate cake, opened presents, decorate goodie bags and have fun. I got playmobil, money, notepads, stickers, cd, and bouncy balls, Polly Pocket and sewing Pooh thing. After this on Sunday me and Rick had a party together. I got a Samantha paper dolls, Samantha book, Samantha coloring book, shirt, electro light, Play Mobil Farm, stuffed animal, bunny magnet, Zigity, beads, American girl card game, littles books, big purple bouncy ball, Needle Point and Polly pocket.  It was fun.

March 11th, 2005-

I love to eat a lot of kinds of food, but I like dessert the best. I like dessert because when I eat ice cream it melts in my mouth. Dessert is not good for you. So I only eat candy almost everyday. Candy tastes good. I like fruit snacks and marshmallows too. There all yummy.

Some of my grammar was off and some of the stuff I said was pretty cute. like ‘dessert is not good for you so I ONLY eat candy ALMOST EVERYDAY.’ and my thing about George Bush winning the election. I had to put the birthday thing just to show what all a 6 year old wants for her birthday. I do want to do a few more though, a few REALLY adorable ones. Here you are:

(No Date)-

If George Washington were president today I think he would make rules like: Give kids no school, tons of toys, eat food properly. Rules like that. I wish George Washington could speak Spanish. Then I could learn Spanish and not be in Spanish class. George Washington was a brave and honest man, so I think he would be brave enough to ride a skateboard and roller coaster. Do you?

(No date)-

I really would like to have a shiny red corvette with blue spots. It would look really nice. I would keep it clean and take my kids on rides.

(No Date)-

If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to Africa and give poor people clothes, money, toys, and food. I would give the kids a lot of toys.

I love that last one. Some of these are really cute and it helps get into the mind of a six year old. Until next time,



  1. OMW (oh my word) those entries were sooooo cute!!! I love the one about George Washington.....and the spinach one. ;)

  2. Why thank you. Those are my two favorites. :D

  3. I remember that birthday party haha! And everyone's obsessions with bouncy balls... very cute ;)

  4. Yes, that was a great party, and we were all greatly obsessed with bouncy balls. I still have around half of mine from that year.
    God Bless,
