Monday, August 23, 2010


So the iPad doesn't allow blogposts, so I'm having trouble getting some posts in on vacation, but we're here and t was a lot of fun until yesterday...when the clouds decided they would let some rain out...more like a lot of rain. So we've had high winds and loads of rain. There was a firework show though and it was amazingly awesome! The BEST I have ever seen. Note though I've only really seen dinky county fireworks..., but it was amazing! I'm just about to eat my lunch which is leftovers from last nights SO TASTY dinner of pizza. This pizza is probably the best pizza I've ever had. There's definitely been a lot of it. Bacon, pepperoni, black olives. Lots of bacon. Each piece has like TWO POUNDS of bacon on it which is AMAZING!!!!
Over and out.

1 comment:

  1. where are you? I guess this will answer my question about weather you will be at youth group tonight...hehe:)-
