Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So, today dad came home from work and walked up to me (I was watching tv.) He held out his hand and said, "I have a gift for you." I let him drop it into my hand. It turned out to be a yoyo. I played with yoyo's when I was younger, but I haven't tried it recently so I decided to give it a shot. The yoyo went down but didn't come back up. I was kind of disappointed so I started practicing more. I got the hang of getting it up and down and all that jazz, but I wanted to learn some tricks. So, my mom showed me a few tricks that she did when she was younger. I've been practicing them and mastered a few. My string is already getting worn out after only one night, so tomorrow I plan to go to Toys 'R' Us and buying a few more yoyos. I really want a glow-in-the-dark one and mom said one's with balls in them are cool. I also want a transparent purple. We'll see how it works out and once I start getting better and learn a few tricks I plan on joining a yoyo club.
Also, I'm trying to convince my dad to let me buy a PSP (kingdom hearts birth by sleep pack) and a few Final Fantasy games. Hopefully he'll let me pre-order it! :D

1 comment:

  1. YoYoYo Angela - you were getting amazingly better by night's end with your YOYO. I'll see if I can find any good ones over this way if I can get out for a little bit today :). dad
