Tuesday, September 14, 2010


One of my friends asked me to do this...so here it goes:
1. What is your favorite movie?
This really is a tough one, but it's definitely a tie between X-Men and Anastasia. I know, great combination right?
2. What is your favorite song?
Man, I change my favorite song all the time. But as of right now...I'd have to say: 3:42 AM (Writer's Block) by MercyMe
3. Who is your favorite musician?
Oh....this one's hard....oh...um...switchfoot and skillet are right up there with tenth avenue north
4. Who is your favorite actor?
oh...um...I have three, okay. Richard Armitage, Robert Downey Jr., and last but not least, Johnny Depp.
5. Who is your favorite actress?
I like Lucy Griffiths and Anjali Jay. (Both from Robin Hood, BBC)
6. Who is your favorite author?
Um....wow...wow...I have to say....wow...um, I like John Flanagan a lot, I really like his style, but I also really like C.S. Lewis, I like his style too, and the Narnia books I really love how he wrote them...
7. What is your favorite color?
8. What is your favorite Bible story?
I have to say, Samson. I like all his massive strength and how it shows how easily you can be tempted by something and give up your life.
9. What is your favorite Bible verse?
Galatians 2:20
10. What was the last thing you ate?
Chicken, which had hard crusty parts on the end, which cut my throat and is now sore...
11. What was the last movie you saw in the movie theater?
Um, I don't exactly remember, but I think it was...Ironman 2 at Delco with my dad.
12. What is your favorite school subject?
I like Reading, but I don't know if that counts as a subject or not. I like Music and History too.
13. Blueberries or Strawberries?
I have two things to say. Strawberries are GREAT plain with sugar on them, but blueberries can be put in pancakes and strawberries can't! So they each have their own purposes. :D I love them both.
14. Oreos or Chocolate Chip Cookies?
Well, Oreos can be eaten anywhere at anytime, but chocolate chip needs to be heated up or warm to taste it's best...so Oreos.
15. Milkshake or Smoothie?
I love both, but Sonic Creamslush's I WAY better than both....just saying...

Now if you have any more questions for me, feel free to post them in the comments. I will for sure add them to the bottom of the question list.
Over And Out.
Your favorite blogger, Angela.

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