Saturday, September 11, 2010

Soccer, 9/11, Ohio State

I will write this paragraph in a nice neon lime green, because that's my team color. Green and black. Today we tied up our game 3-3. (Thanks to my amazing defensive work.) I was covering this one big, tough girl. At one point in the game, she slammed me really hard and I was completely in the air! It hurt but I didn't really care because she got fouled. I'm ready for another game on next Saturday! (Which is a home game.)
Now, I'm going to go with white. 9/11, such a sad day. I remember when I was 3 or 4 and sitting in my living room watching the tv and seeing the tragic event....
Ohio State Buckeyes play a great game tonight! (this afternoon) Buckeyes vs. Miami. It's the biggest game of the weekend and will definitely be an exciting one, and you better be rooting for the Buckeyes!
Over and Out. (Red white and blue for 9/11)
Angela (Can't forget Ohio!)

1 comment:

  1. lol Angela!!

    In my game today, I got hit in the jaw with an elbow----that hurt.
