Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Writing Assignment

Today I was talking to Lily on Yahoo Messenger and I was telling her about my writing assignment due next monday. The topic is "What goes in your house while your family is asleep?" I was brainstorming, when a wonderful idea popped into my head this morning. Since I was in a writing mood, I decided to start my paper. Once I had started though, I didn't want to stop, so I kept going....and going....and going. I finished it just as i felt the urge for Swiss Rolls. Anyway, I'm straying from the point. While I was talking to Lily, she asked me to post my finished works on my blog so that I could share them with her and all my other friends. So, here it is, and remember to give me feedback.


The last light switch was flicked and the tedious snoring began. A fairy popped its head up over the rim of a lamp shade. Her wings made a miniscule flapping sound as she silently flitted over to the dog cage, meeting two other fairies there. They jingled and whispered together. After agreeing quietly, they sprinkled magic dust on the dog’s long and fuzzy muzzle, making sure she slept while the mystical creatures partied.

The window in the kitchen clicked as it unlatched and two satyrs slipped in, wiping their hoof prints off behind them. They shut the window behind them and clopped over to the fairies as quietly and gracefully as they could for a satyr. Three fairies fluttered down the stairs and whispered, “The spells have all been cast, no one’s waking up in this household until six o’clock this morning.”

One of the two satyrs screamed loudly, piercing all the mystical creatures ears. “LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!”

Brownies ran up the basement stairs and into the kitchen, carrying chips and sodas. The sliding door was yanked open from the outside and centaurs and satyrs came tumbling in. Fairies revealed their hiding places as they joined the party. Creatures pounded on the piano and sang joyous and extremely painful-to-the-ear songs. Rambunctiously, a satyr trampled around the kitchen and dining room calling, “I challenge anyone to a Wii game! If I win you pay me in GOLD!!!!”

Three more jubilant satyrs bounced boisterously into the family room and screamed, “I take you up on that challenge!”

The fun had begun. The first satyr, named Screamer, slipped Wii Sports into the game slot and turned on the HD tv. Picking up four Wii remotes off of the already messy floor, he passed them around to his challengers. He quickly picked Wii Tennis and randomly picked his teammate. Loudly, they hollered and yelled at each other as each team scored points.

The tv in the other room was switched on. Loud shouts and screams came from that room too as animals fought to the death for the tv remote. Centaurs pranced and trotted around the back and front yard, sharing their glee with each other.

All the creatures were all having a wondrous time and naturally acting like their type, when a loud banging and pounding sound shook the entire house. Suddenly silent, the creatures moved into the kitchen wondering where the commotion was coming from. Another strangely loud pound sounded, coming from the backyard. A centaur from the backyard screamed, “TROLL!!!!!!!!!!”

Panicked, creatures darted for cover and ran out of the now frightened crowd. Screamer took charge and bellowed loudly, “Come on guys! If we don’t stand up now, this hideous and foul beast will destroy our favorite partying place!”

A cheer of reply sounded from behind the battered sofa. A satyr crawled out and screamed, “Screamer’s right! Let’s prepare for battle!!!!!”

The creatures all screamed their most I’m-acting-like-I’m-not-afraid shouts and charged out onto the what they thought was sturdy deck. As they all piled onto the deck, they heard and ear-splitting crack as it gave way. They all toppled to the ground and realized that the troll was looming above them, reaching towards the house. Screamer leapt to his feet first and pounded his fist into the troll’s big toe. Another brave satyr copied his lead and started swinging punches at the troll’s toes. Following the creatures, animals popped up out of the large heap and pounded, kicked and slashed at the troll’s toes.

The troll howled and screamed loudly in pain, busting a few of the satyrs eardrums. Animals ducked and covered their ears as the troll cried and pounded back across the yard to his magic beanstalk which he had surprisingly climbed down. Climbing up the towering stem, the troll left the backyard and the animals all shrieking while holding their ears. Screamer stood up first. Then a centaur. Then the rest of the group stood up and stared amazed at the troll’s now small feet as they slid into a dark cloud.

The sky was turning orange from the sun’s rising. Screamer screamed above the murmuring, awestruck creatures.

“Listen up! We need to clean up the inside of the house, before the magic wears off! We need to work as a team!”

A burly centaur, with curly brown hair and a white horse as his backside, asked, “What about the deck, Screamer?”

“Yeah, Screamer. What about the deck and the yard?”

“Yeah! How are we supposed to fix the deck in twenty minutes time?”

Screamer shouted loudly above the now questions creatures. “LISTEN! Leave the deck. Clean the house. Everything needs to be lickety-spit!”

After opening the broken fence gate, the animals rushed in through the front door, since they couldn’t reach the back door. Quickly, they turned off the tvs and shut off the wii. Pulling the vacuum out of a nearby and quite handy supply closet, they vacuum the shedding fur and the mud tracks off of the horrendously dirty carpet. Other animals scrubbed the sticky windows clean of prints, while a clumsy satyr spilled a bucket of soapy water everywhere while mopping the floor. Screamer scolded the satyr and got ten fairies to clean up the water. Brownies swiped the counters clean of soda and chip crumbs. Fairies pulled fresh batteries out of the closet to replace the ones they strangely used up. Screamer pranced around hurrying the animals up.

As they were finishing, they heard an alarm go off upstairs. As footsteps crossed the floor above them, a hushed silence scattered. Screamer, now whispering, silently egged centaurs and satyrs out the door. Motioning to the brownies and fairies to clean up the rest of the mess quickly he scampered out and followed his companions. The brownies finished the last touches and scurried down the basement steps into their homes as the jingling fairies switched off all of the bright lights. As they finished they quietly slipped back into their lamps and air vents. Footsteps sounded down the stairs, as a father walked down the steps into the foyer. Flicking on the kitchen light he glanced around the room, bypassing the missing deck and spotted a hoof print on the floor. He knelt down beside it and wondered aloud, “How did this get here?”

Coming from the lamp shade, a small fairy chuckled.

So....whad'ya think?




  1. LOVE IT! I hope your teacher gives you a good grade, 'cause that was AWESOME!! Very imaginative.
    And Swiss Rolls are the bees knees. ;)

