Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Today was my first official day of school. Since I haven't started SAIL yet, I don't have too much work, but I still have enough that it makes me not want to do it....I guess I'm so used to using electronics during the day. But now it's no electronics until school is finished. At least it gives me some incentive! The first subject I had today was Bible, which is mostly just my Bible quizzing; and I have another Bible thing I'm doing, which I haven't done yet. I had to wait for Luke to finish his Math on the computer for me to start mine. This year I'm doing Algebra 1/2....Hip! Hip! Hooray! Sort of....I always HATE the first 10 or so lessons in your new Math book because it's all stuff you learned in like....SECOND GRADE! It was so extremely easy today. I learned about number placing and adding!!! I mean...I'm in 8th grade shouldn't I be learning 8th grade work not 2nd???? After I completed my Math I did my History. I'm taking an Ancient History class at SAIL this year and have a little bit of work I have to do ahead of time. After reading the textbook I started my Science book. Yay! I love science....sort's fun sometimes. :p Now, I have to finish the rest of my Bible and practice Piano and memorize 2 or 3 more quiz verses. I'm doing a full set of school this year...a lot of work for a not very hard working 8th grader...At SAIL I have History, Writing, Creation Science and Geography. At home I have Math, Physical Science, Bible, Music and Reading. Yay! Lots of work...anyway, have fun at school today or at home doing school for those homeschoolers like me.
I do have a question though and if you can answer it...good. If man evolved from apes, why are there still apes around? I so wish I could run into an evolutionist and ask him that question. :D That would get him stumped.
Over and Out.

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