Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Days.....let's just say a lot of days.....

Day 12: A song that you want played at your wedding(or was played).

Day 13: A guilty pleasure.

Day 14: A vacation you would like to take.

Day 15: A person you admire.


I believe I may be slightly behind on my blog posting....slightly.


I can make it up though. Right? I hope.....

I'll start with the first being Day 12.

Um, I know this sounds extremely stupid, but a song that I want played at my wedding is 'Mighty To Save' Newsboys version. There's no particular reason though.....not at all. ;)

Day 13.....would be.....
A guilty pleasure?

Hmm.....a guilty pleasure? What? Um.....watching stupid Disney channel shows. Yes, extremely.....stupid. They are quite entertaining though.

Day 14.
A vacation you would like to take.

I would love to live in Puerto Rico....or however you spell the silly thing. And I want to visit Hawaii. A good friend of mine keep talking about doing that.

The reason I'd like to live in Puerto Rico is because you don't have to pay taxes. :D

Day 15.
A person you admire.

I admire a lot of people. I admire.....my youth pastors....pro sports players....actors and actresses......singers.....

Wow, that was the most boring, short post over, but since I had many things to cover, I really didn't feel like typing a lot.

Anyway, I'm headed off to....my couch to watch Top Shot on tv.

Angela the......Average.....?


  1. haha....good stuff!!! I totally love that song. Newsboys rocks!!!!!
    And yes, I want to visit Hawaii too. (: Maybe we can go together!!!

  2. i love the song Mighty to Save! I don't think its silly at all :)

    much love,

  3. You can come with Lydia and I, Kathryn and....you might as well bring Emily along!

    It's definitely one of my favorite songs, I think it's just a little bit weird for a wedding. Haha.

    Thanks book blogger!

    God Bless,
