Monday, February 21, 2011

Twenty. "two" - "o". The big double decades. (Oh, and....add a one for today.)

Today is February 21st. Yesterday was February 20th.

Due to my.....lack of time today and yesterday, I was not successful in making a post. I mean, I am making a post today, but that's not the point.

Okay, I'll start with Day 20: A hobby of mine.

Well, I guess you could say that I have plenty of hobbies....but, originally, if I wrote the list of my hobbies you would be bored after your mind, so to ease the pain, I will give my Top 10 Hobbies. If that's alright with my followers of course....;) (this is not in any particular order by the way.)

1. Reading.
2. Writing.
3. Playing piano.
4. Playing guitar.
5. Drawing.
6. Playing on the Wii.
7. Watching American Idol with my family.
8. Watching Wipeout with my family.
9. Hockey; playing it, watching it and following it.
10. Listening to music.

That is Day 20.

Day 21: Something you know you do differently than most people.

That is a tough one! I know plenty of things I do differently than most people, but because of the situation, I will run off a few. :D

1. I talk differently than most people. My voice is my own unique voice. No one has a voice quite like mine. Even the things I say are my things, out of my brain. Sure, maybe I do get them from other people, but I put a different twist on them, so I definitely talk differently than most people.

2. I write differently than most people. Every author has a different style of writing. Their characters are different, their plot is different. It's their particular style.

3. I act differently than most people. I have a different, unique personality. I do know two people that have a VERY similar personality to mine, but I do have a different personality.

Yeah, this is about as boring as it could get. Haha. I guess I'm not as interesting as I thought I was.

Last night we watched.....THE PRINCESS BRIDE! Remember how I told you our copy was scratched? Well, we got a new copy! A Blu-ray copy! And the cover is AWESOME! I love the movie and it sparked a bunch new quotes into my mind, but there is only one that I am willing to type up at the time.

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

I love it. LOVE IT!

Don't forget to say yes please, thank you, no thank you and to wash behind your ears!


1 comment:

  1. (:
    I like all your hobbies. *wink wink* And haha, that's one of my favorite quotes of all time.

