Saturday, February 19, 2011

A lot of free time, yet I'm not blogging?

This week was...AMAZING!

I had barely ANY homework from SAIL, so school took me like an hour to do, which reminded me of the old days, when I was a young child....*cough cough* when I was.....ten.

Because of these absolutelyawesomewarmsunnynotalotofhomework days, I have had a chance to catch up on my reading. In this past week, I have read three books, which is great, because I have a lot of books I need to read, including three new ones I got for my birthday: Oliver Twist, King Arhur and Scarlet (the second book in a Robin Hood series.) Also, I have a 25$ gift card to Books A Million that I got for Christmas! I'm very ashamed to say that I haven't used it yet.....:(

Anyway, I have three days to do, since I haven't been on the computer. (This is a completely wrong statement. The correct would be.....since I haven't been on blogger.) I don't mind stacking them up and posting a few in one day though, it gives me something to do on this lovely (NOT!) Saturday. This week has been
so amazing with the weather change. The temperature got all the way up to 70 on some of the days and it seemed like the sun was always shining. I found myself playing outside with my little brother in shorts and a t-shirt.'s sunny, but EXTREMELY windy. The winds have gotten up to 45 mph!!!!!! I wish it could go stronger so that it could blow me over. I've always wanted to be blown over by a powerful wind. :D

I'm getting side tracked again.

Day 17: An art piece.

Day 18: A time
when you felt passionate and alive.

Day 19: A ta
lent of yours.

I guess I'm going to have to start with Day 17. (That would make sense, wouldn't it?)

Day 17- An art piece.

Does this mean an "artist's" piece or a piece of art that I drew?

I could do both, but I'd rather just get a real art piece, because I really don't feel like going upstairs and taking a picture of my most recent drawings....
This my friends is a picture painted by Picasso. It is called.....The Three Musicians.

I really like Picasso's outrageous, abstract paintings, this one being my favorite.

Day 18- A time when you felt passionate and alive.

Well, this one is.....interesting?

Um, I would have to say....when I took a trip to Chicago with the quiz team and during a food stop in the Mall, a few of us walked around evangelizing. Yeah, there's not much else to say besides that.......

Day 19- A talent of yours.

I think that this is an explanation of pride. Saying something I'm talented at. I have to complete the task....

Well, I'm not going to say something I think I'm talented at, but I'll do something other people have told me I'm talented at.

People have told me I'm talented at photography.
People have told me I'm talented at piano.
People have told me I'm talented at guitar.
People have told me I'm talented at drawing.
People have told me I'm talented at writing.

But mostly, people just say, I don't know the REAL opinion.

Over and Out.


(It's been a REALLY long time since I've said that "over and out.")

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