Friday, February 25, 2011

Tsk. Tsk.

Well, would you look at that! I'm behind in my days....again. *hangs head in shame* I really am not so great at doing this.

There are three days left in February! *gasp*

There are.....five? days that I'm behind on! *gasp*

Day 22: A website.

Day 23: A way in which you want to be remembered.

Day 24: A movie no one would expect you to love.

Day 25: A recipe.

Oh, wait....that's four. O_o

I believe I'm going to go backwards today.

That means I'm starting with Day 25.

Day 25- A recipe.

Well, I don't really cook much besides in home-ec class, so this isn't the greatest one for me to do, but I'll give you a recipe. A good one. One that I make OUT of home-ec class. One that you love. One that I love. One that almost everyone loves!!!!!!

Chocolate Milk.
Ingredients: Milk, Chocolate Syrup (sometimes you may use Ovaltine, but for best results use Hershey's chocolate syrup)

1. Pour 2% milk into a cup. Preferably fill the cup up to the top, just make sure you leave room for mixing the syrup in. (you don't want to slosh milk over the sides.)
2. Pour chocolate syrup into the cup/milk. Pour to taste.
3. Mix and drink.

Day 24- A movie no one would expect me to love.

Oh, well, that's a toughy. I'm not going to do How To Train Your Dragon, since others have used it....but, I mean if you've seen it, read the reviews or even just seen the previews, you'd expect me to love it. (Even though it's Dreamworks.)

Ramona and Beezus.

Adorable. Absolutely adorable. It followed the book too! *jumps up and down and claps hands wildly*, I really don't feel like posting pictures....(I feel like a bad blogger.)

I am going to do the other two days tomorrow. :D

Hope you enjoyed my awful post. ;)


I've been watching American Idol lately. I think if you haven't watched it this season yet, you should watch it!!!!!!!


  1. yeah I was REALLY behind too, like a week behind :/ but I slowly caught up :) I love How to Train your Dragon, but you might already know that :D I haven't seen Ramona and Beezus yet. I really like your blog and I think others would too, have you thought of making a blog button?? That really helps getting more readers :) just an idea...

    much love,

  2. Yeah, I've made a blog button, but i haven't uploaded it yet. :D hehe...goes to show you again how much of. Procrastinator i am.....ugh....stupid's messing up my typing.

    God bless,
