Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Big Black Eye

The only reason this post is being typed up right now is because I’m so bored! I can’t believe how bored I have been all day…..this post will probably bore you to death, but I really can’t help myself, so you will just have to deal with it.

My soccer season has started. My team color is….wait for it….pink. Not a good pink. An ugly, light pink. I don’t really like pink that much, but I especially hate light pink. It’s better than neon green though.

Our first game was on Saturday; we tied zero to zero. We played surprisingly well. I played goalie for the first ten minutes until a girl socked me in the eye, then I kind of sat out for a few minutes. When I went back in, I played sweeper. Then the second half I played left wing. It was the first time I had played forward in like……forever.

You probably couldn’t care less about the positions I played, but would rather hear about the whole being socked part, I mean…I would.

So, like I said, I was playing goalie. I had just jumped on the ball that a forward from the opposing team was dribbling towards the goal. It popped out of my arms and was kicked out of bounds by a member of the opposing team. Since I was on the ground, some girl from the other team bent down to “ask” “are you okay?” Then….she popped me! Right in the eye! Since she was playing it up that she was kind, the refs didn’t see her hit me! So, really, I couldn’t hit her back, because they’d definitely see that. So, I sucked it up and started playing again, so I caught another ball….until….I realized that my eye had swelled up so much that I couldn’t see out of it.

I had a black eye for a few days….my eye is still really sore when I touch it and it’s not really black anymore, it’s more of that yellow color that it gets when it starts healing. That was the first black eye I’ve ever had, which is really funny considering it’s me….haha.

Okay, so far this post hasn’t been as boring as I thought it would be, although it’s not nearly as interesting as some of my recent posts…

I have recently discovered a bad habit of using the word “so” at the start of sentences. I really need to work on that…..

Right now, I’m watching America’s Funnies Home Videos, which is a hilarious show, I must say. Some of the videos are definitely not worth putting on the show and some shouldn’t win while others should, but you have to admit that a lot of the videos are really good.

My computer battery is dying, so I might as well stop typing……=P


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