Friday, April 29, 2011

A love so deep. A sacrifice so great. A man who came willing.

Pink and purple streaked across the sky, trying to prove that the day was supposed to turn out well, but the voices, the events made it seem otherwise. A large balcony, high above the ground, was the center of attention. An immense crowd of people stood below and around it, waiting silently for the main event to reveal itself. Quiet murmurs could be heard as a man, wearing white, stepped out for all to see him. Another man, his hands bound behind him, was shoved onto the balcony. A hush came upon the crowd. The man in white, known as Pilate, pulled the other man towards the banister rimming the edge of the parapet. Pilate looked out upon his people and cried, "I have found no charges against this man! I will punish him, then release him to you!" Pilate was sure the people would cheer or at least be silent. The reaction was opposite and defining. "Barrabas! Release Barrabas to us! Away with this man! We want Barrabas!"

Pilate's face proved the shock he felt. His heart sunk. "Barrabas?! Barrabas is a murderer! This man has done no harm! Why would you want a murderer above a miracle worker?"
Pilate begged loudly, but to no avail. With fists raised, the crowd shouted, "Crucify him! Crucify him!"

Pilate closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. Slowly, he lifted his finger towards the man who was called Jesus. "Take him away."

Two soldiers grabbed the man's arms and dragged him from the balcony. The crowd roared. Pilate lifted his hands to direct the crowd to silence. Growing quieter, the crowd listened intently to Pilate's words. "He is gone. I now release Barrabas to you." Pilate turned his back to the crowd and walked out.


The soldiers did as they wished with Jesus. They whipped him, they beat him, they spit at him. His back was torn and bloody. What flesh was left on his back, barely covered the muscle and blood that seemed to blanket the man. They placed a crown of thorns upon his head, readjusting it so the thorns would pierce the man's flesh. They stripped him of his clothing and left nothing but a dirty cloth around his waist. They placed his cross upon his shoulder and forced him to carry it to the hill where he would die.

Tears streamed down Jesus' face. He collapsed. Before the cross could fall upon his back, Simon of Cyrene stepped from the parting crowd and caught the beams of wood. He lifted it upon his own back and carried it up the hill for the man.

Jesus was prodded forward and slumped along, supporting himself with his arms every few feet. Men tried to comfort the woman and children who were crying out to Jesus. Jesus stopped moving and turned to the women, saying, "Do not weep for me.....weep for yourselves....and your children....."

When they reached the top of the hill, the cross was laid out and Jesus was thrown on top of it. They stretched his arms out across the wood. Large nails were hammered into his hands, attaching them to the cross. They did the same to his feet. They lifted the cross, propping it up so all could see Jesus, the supposed king, die.

On either side of Jesus were two criminals, who were to be crucified also. Jesus lifted his head and looked lovingly at the two men. He then looked up to the sky and prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing...."

The soldiers sneered at Jesus, casting lots for his clothes. People called out, "He saved others; let him save himself if he is God's Messiah, the Chosen One!"

Soldiers shoved a sponge with wine and vinegar into Jesus' mouth, crying, "If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!"

Jesus was saddened, as he looked upon the men who were sinning. He looked at them with love in his eyes. His Father's creations, the ones who he was dying for, were mocking him. They would never discover the true love, the true meaning of His death. Their bodies would reside in Hell forever. Jesus looked out upon the people. His people. Compassion filled his eyes, tears steamed down his face.

One of the others hanging upon the cross called out to him, "Aren't you the Messiah?! Save yourself and us!"

The other criminal rebuked him, "Don't you fear God, since you are under the same sentence?! We are being punished justly! We are getting what our deeds deserve! But this man, the Messiah, he has done nothing wrong!" he then looked at Jesus, "Jesus, please remember me when you come into your kingdom."

Jesus smiled and answered, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."


Noon had come and darkness was cast across the earth. When three o'clock rolled around, the sun had stopped shining. The curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus cried out, with his last breath, "!"

The centurion watched in awe, as realization came to his mind. He praised God and said, "Surely, this man, was a righteous man."

A man came and took Jesus' body. He buried him in a tomb, which was vacant.

To Be Continued....

I know that this was not very well written, but I felt like it was time for me to share this with you guys. This story means so much to me and many other believers. I don't understand fully how Jesus could love us SO much, that he would willingly give himself up and die....for us! I wanted to separate the resurrection from the crucifixion when I wrote this, that's why it will be split into two parts. Basically everything that was said by someone in this was taken directly from Luke 23, but I did add some words and change it around a little bit. Otherwise, the not dialogue was written by myself.....:p

God Bless,

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