Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Time for a little bit of writing

Since earlier this morning, I've really felt the urge to write something. So, here I am staring at a computer screen, listening to music, wondering what I should write about. Really, I could just write about the beautiful blue sky or sports or music, but I don't know, I feel like writing a story. I don't know what kind of story though....I guess I'll just start.....

Jarrod sunk to his knees, tears pouring down his cheeks. Grief overwhelmed him. A strong hand gripped his shoulder, attempting to comfort him. Jarrod shrugged it off and whipped around. A man stood above him, looking down and smiling.

Jarrod raised his eyebrows and questioned, "Who are you?"

"I'm a friend. I'm here to help you."

Jarrod stood up and took a step away from the man.

"I don't know who you are. I was always told not to talk to strangers."

The man just smirked and stated calmly, "I'm not a stranger; I know everything about you."

Fear clenched Jarrod's heart. "That's not possible."

"Oh, but it is," the man noted Jarrod slowly stepping back every few seconds, "You can't run away from me Jarrod. I'll never leave your side."

"You're creeping me out. Leave me alone!"

Jarrod turned his back to the man and sprinted. After he ran a short distance he turned to see the man standing in the same place.

"It doesn't look you're beside me, does it?!" Jarrod screamed out.

"Are you sure?" the voice rang in Jarrod's head as if the man was standing next to him, speaking into his ear.

Stopping abruptly, Jarrod swiveled on one foot and came face to face with the man.


"I told you, you can't get away from me."

To be continued.....

Yeah, that was quite poor writing on my part and my needs have not been satisfied, so I will continue by posting something I wrote like two years ago....or even's quite funny. It was written for a writing assignment, where I had to write a "Just-So Story."

How the Dragon got his Fire

Miserably lying in the corner of his dark, dank cave Silvertail coughed loudly. The darkness swallowed up Silvertail and hid him from the other dragons. Lifting his head slowly he looked around for Sorrel, the brownie, a small furry cat like creature with four arms- that took care of him. Silvertail spotted her sleeping on the other side of the cave. He quietly moaned as he laid his head back down on the ice cold rock floor. In between coughs he called out, “Sorrel…Sorrel…”

Sorrel woke up immediately and trotted across the cave to Silvertail. “What is it? Are you hurt? What do you need?”

Silvertail complained, “My throat hurts and I can’t stop coughing…”

Sorrel groaned and said, “I’ll go see if I can make you some medicine. You’ve been sick for four days and your cough is getting worse. I’m really worried about you…”

Sorrel ran out of the cave and into her warm and cozy den. She fanned through pages in her Make Your Own Medicine book, which had a million different recipes, and ripped one out that was titled, Coughing Cures. Eagerly, she gathered the ingredients and mixed them together in a pot while reading out loud, “Let’s see…Red Chili Peppers, Banana Peppers, Jalapenos, Serrano Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Habanero Chili Pepper, Bhut Jolokia….” And Sorrel dropped each pepper into the pot with a loud, plop!

When she finished mixing all the ingredients in, she carefully carried the mixture to Silvertail’s cave. The pot steamed and the smell made their eyes water. Sorrel walked towards Silvertail and said, “I made you a medicine, it’s going to be a little spicy, because it’s made out of peppers and water only.”

Silvertail groaned and reluctantly opened his mouth. Sorrel quickly shoved the wooden spoon full of medicine into his mouth, pouring it down his throat. Silvertail howled as steam shot out of his ears. Jumping back Sorrel yelped as Silvertail’s scales turned bright red. Stunned, Sorrel slowly inched backwards and away from Silvertail, who seemed as if he was going to explode. Silvertail looked at Sorrel hopelessly yelling, “Water! Water! Water!”

Sorrel ran out of the cave hurriedly. Silvertail moaned and groaned as his tongue burned wildly. After a few minutes, Sorrel returned with a bowl of water, quickly pouring it down Silvertail’s throat. Silvertail sighed. A grin of relief covered his face. While Sorrel cheered with happiness, Silvertail laid down, still exhausted. Tired out, Silvertail slept until the next morning, when he realized that his cough was gone. Sorrel woke and told Silvertail to stick out his tongue to see how bad the damage was. He stuck out his tongue. A large burn mark showed on the surface of it. Sorrel jumped back and yelped. Laying back down Silvertail sighed. When he sighed a flame shot out of his mouth. Silvertail stood back up and breathed out again. Another flame shot out, only this one was bigger. With every breath came a bigger flame. Silvertail soon became popular among the dragons, because of a nasty cough. And this is how the dragon got his fire.

I got the idea from reading Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke. I used the brownie from her story, with the same name, which was kind of bad of me, but it makes the story better. And all the kinds of peppers are real....just so you guys know. Ignore the underlines.....since this was written for a class, I had to underline the dress-ups I used. I believe I was eleven when I wrote that story.....

Over and Out.


  1. OMGOSH!!!! I did the whole dress-up thing too!!! TOTAL flashback!! Was that through the IEW program? lol, I'm in a different (non-IEW) class now that i live way more than the IEW one xP


  2. I love when you write, Angela!!! Especially that second one---'Dragon Rider' was a favorite of mine years ago. (:


  3. I did something like the IEW one, Catie. I hated dress-ups so much and thought them completely useless, until now when I realized how much they really helped me.

    Why thank you, Lily. :D


  4. yeah! I felt the same way about the dress-ups... but now i see how they help! :) haha.


  5. Did you have to do sentence openers too?

  6. yes, i think so! haha. :D it's been a little while. lol. we even had "composition checklists," if i recall correctly. xD


  7. Haha, we did those too. I didn't like them anymore than anything else....

