Friday, April 22, 2011

long, sunny days

Well, the past week I have spent outside, running around and just being plain awesome. I mean, Friday night was spent with some great friends. We ran around a farm in Michigan. It was crazy windy, so we ran around this open field. It was raining too and since it was so windy the rain stung your skin....then we climbed up in the hayloft and spent the next hour just jumping off of a ledge into a pile of hay....skipping a few days, yesterday was spent with my younger brother, Lucas and a neighbor. We played basketball and since the basketball was covered in tree limbs and sticks, we jumped over the sticks and such while playing basketball, jumped out of the truck, climbed trees, skateboarded, threw the football around....etc. etc. etc.
The picture above was taken by my little brother, the skateboarder is myself (of course. O_o) I also spent awhile just riding on my stomach on the skateboard down my friend's steep driveway. It was quite scary at times. The funny thing is that the only time I fell off of the skateboard was when I was just sitting on it and going straight forwards....anyway.....

That is basically all I have to say, which is really really lame, I just felt like I needed to make a post and you know, I figured it would be best to post something that I've been doing. :p

God Bless,

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