Saturday, April 23, 2011

I find it quite strange....

The Strangeness of Me
1. I find it quite strange that when I'm talking, I have so much to say and rarely stop talking, but when I try to type up a blog post, my mind goes completely and utterly blank.

2. I find it quite strange that I can sit down and read a book for hours at a time, but when it comes to reading anything else, I get bored after a few minutes.

3. I find it quite strange that I love the colors purple and green, but that I hate Barney.

4. I find it quite strange that I have a ton of clothes, but probably only wear half of them, or not even.

5. I find it quite strange that I love How To Train Your Dragon, even though it's a Dreamworks movie.

6. I find it quite strange that I spend minutes staring out a computer screen, but learn nothing from it.

7. I find it quite strange that I still have strange things to type about.

8. I find it quite strange that I am starting to half enjoy school and the school year isn't even over yet!

9. Isn't the word 'strange' so....well, strange?

Over and Out.


  1. haha, I like this post. (:

  2. hi! just replying to your comment on samarah's blog: i don't have to celebrate easter in order to have a relationship with God. i believe easter is a pagan holiday and really it is. it is derived from a pagan celebration of ishtar the goddess of fertility. so yeah. i only try to celebrate biblical holidays such as passover which Jesus celebrated Himself. so yeah.. :] xx
