Sunday, March 13, 2011


I have to say that this past weekend was probably the best of my life. I traveled a few hours to Baltimore to see the Revolve Tour. There were speakers, singers, dancers and many screaming girls. The audience consisted only of the female gender, so you can imagine how loud it got when Hawk Nelson walked onto the stage.

I'll start with slight info on the Revolve Tour before I go into the story of my weekend. There were lots of speakers and a few bands and singers, not including the praise team. Chad Eastham, who I must say is an amazing speaker gave two sessions which were really great. The singers were: Hawk Nelson, Group 1 Crew, Britt Nicole and Jamie Grace (who sang "Hold Me" with TobyMac btw.) Now, Hawk Nelson is my favorite band and Group 1 Crew is my second favorite band, so you can see how ecstatic I was to see them in concert.

Now for my story:

The first part will be a quick summary. I went with my mom and a few friends and there moms. We watched 13 going on 30 in the car on the way there and listened to some awesome music. We had a pretty nice hotel, which also had a piano in it. Then we figured out all the singers and speakers were staying in our hotel too. *insert girly screams* We went to Barnes and Noble and Starbucks and ate dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.

Friday night Group 1 Crew sang one song, Hawk Nelson sang one song and Britt Nicole put on her concert. We had a few speakers and Jamie Grace sang one song.

Friday night Group 1 Crew autographed my Bible.

Now, I have to go do some SAIL homework, so the rest of the story will be finished in detail, another time....

Over and Out.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is so exciting!!!! Dude, I wish I could have gone...but, sadly, I had a soccer tournament. *sighs* But I'm soooooo glad that you had such a good time!!! Lucky you for getting your Bible signed!!

