Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Today was like any other ordinary day, but I'll spiff up this post especially for you, just to make it....well, extraordinary. The list of things I did:

1. Eat.
2. School.
3. Try on dress-up clothes.
4. Bible Study.

Starting with number one. I ate a muffin for breakfast. With butter on it. A blueberry one. A slightly burnt one. So....a slightly burnt blueberry muffin with butter on it.

Moving on to the magnificent number two. I read Part III of Augustus Caesar's World for my Ancient History class. I wrote a poem for my poetry class. I did a few problems for my Math work. I practiced my piano piece for IFCA.

Now the wonderful number three. Yeah, this one is a little bit different I must say. It involves the dressingupwithmyfriendsatchurchthing though. Lucas and I were trying on some of the pieces of our old dress up clothing, hoping to find some new ideas....and oh, boy, did I find ideas alright. Some of those amazing costumes I had forgotten about....such as.....the clown, the alligator, Batman and the weird red dress. The ones I remembered included....the Chinese outfit, the Indian costume, and the Peter Pan costume. Tonight, I believe I will be sticking with the indian outfit. It's definitely worth wearing. :D

Number four. Bible study. This was my first time participating in a Bible study before. It was actually a lot of fun. There were three other girls. We talked about having an 'undivided heart' for God. I was happy that I learned something from it and that my friend Gillian invited me.

Now, I'll go on my random ramblings, since I covered all the things that happened in my day.

1. I love popcorn. All types of popcorn: Kettle corn, caramel corn, buttery popcorn, salty popcorn, plain popcorn....Even if the popcorn gets stuck in my braces, which it does, I love it. A lot. What I don't really like about popcorn is the Popcorn flavored jelly bean and those things in popcorn that are like....the outside papery layer of the kernel that gets stuck in between your teeth. I don't like that thingy.

2. Swimming. I don't like swimming. At all. The only time I really swim is at Lake Erie every summer, when we visit with my cousins, on quiz trips because my friends beg me to, or when we go to a water park. I don't really like swimming in the public pool very much. I like swimming with just people I know, not when a lot of other people are there too. And it's hard to find decent swimsuits lately. I hate some of the swimsuits that are available to buy.

3. I have to go do my math, so I'm going to stop writing.


1 comment:

  1. And I didn't title this because I couldn't figure out a title...haha.
