Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bible Quiz Team

This weekend, I will be in Chicago, well for at least 24 hours…(I think.)

On Friday morning, quite early I must add, I must meet at the church with my quiz team to board the bus to start our awesome, but long bus ride to Chicago. I will definitely enjoy myself by playing some Rook, other card games, just chatting with friends, listening to my iPod, playing Slap, and even the un-enjoyable, completing some extra credit work for my history class because I didn’t do very good on my recent test. :|

We normally reach the hotel by 7, but sometimes even later. Saturday we actually do our quizzing, which I will explain after this boring, dragging activity summary.

Saturday night we drive a little more to our next hotel. Then we drive home on Sunday with the same activities routine as the Friday bus ride.

Now I will explain the quizzing a little bit, or as best as I can without explaining it in person. ;)

There are many steps to the quizzing process. I’ll do them in step numbers.

1. Novice and Senior. There are two separate groups in quizzing. The first is the novice, where you start. You quiz in the novice for two years and then move onto the senior team. The main difference between the two is that the senior quizzers have to memorize more material then the novice. And…of course they have more experience.

2. Memorizing the Material. Every year this a new material that you are required to memorize. This year the material is Hebrews. I am on the Novice team, so I have to memorize Hebrews 1-9, 11.

I will finish this post tomorrow because I am going to bed now. :D


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