Thursday, December 2, 2010



1. If you had to choose between living on a desert island or tropical rainforest for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

A desert island. Doesn’t island mean surrounded by water? I would rather be there than be in the rainforest, where there’s too many….yucky things….

2. What is your favorite music CD right now?

Peanut’s Christmas Soundtrack

3. If you were given the choice between wildflowers or roses - which would you pick?

Roses. White roses and yellow roses. Not red roses or pink roses.

4. How much do you like notebooks? Is it mild, or are you absolutely obsessed with them?

I am OBSESSED!!!! I use about 10 for many different things. (actually more…but we won’t go there..)

5. What is your biggest goal this winter?

I hate these hard questions…they’re just too hard…I guess I’d have to say….to be able to improve in my guitar playing

6. If you could change your hair however you wanted, what would you do?

I’d make it shorter. It’s too long right now.

7. Do you think Harry Potter is bad?

I don’t necessarily think it is bad. As long as you don’t get obsessed with it, or take into account that you “could” be a wizard or that Hogwarts is real.

8. Why do you think pink is a girls' color?

I don’t think pink is a girls color. I think it’s a neutral color. A lot of guys secretly like it and some even openly like it.  

9. Would you be up to singing a solo in front of a thousand people?

No. This is due to the fact that I can’t really sing well….

10. What colors look best on you?

Purple. Blue. Green. Black.

11. If you had a different name, what would it be?

I’m not sure. I like the name Angela a lot, but I think if I had a different name I’d have to go with…Johanna. I’ve always like the name Johanna.

12. Do you like...

boots or sneakers?

Sneakers, By far. Yes. Absolutely.

flats or heels?

I hate heels, so therefore flats.

books or movies?

BOOKS! Books can give you so much more detail than a movie, so much more information, more plot…

purple or pink?


long hair or short hair?


a best friend or a group of friends?

Can a group be two? or three? or is that too less?

ice cream or cake?

ice cream. Unless it’s ice cream cake. :D

plaid or polka dots?

both? I love plaid though…

Anyway, this is the tag that Stella has for us to do. In the contest you can win many different things, but the main thing to enter the contest to do is to get Stella more followers! She’s looking for eighty and at the time (I think it’s still at this number) she has 51. So, head to her blog, follow her and then do the tag! :D


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