Thursday, January 13, 2011

Art, Art and EVEN MORE ART!!!!!

One of the many presents I opened on Christmas morning was a sketchpad. A wonderful 100 page sketchpad. Something I’ve wanted for a long time. And my want was filled. Now I’ve been drawing. And drawing. And drawing. Not many pictures. Few pictures done in many minutes. Some I spent more than an hour on. Others more than two hours.

You’re like WHAT?!?!?!?!

I’m like: YES!!!!!!!!

Some of the pictures I was very happy that they turned out. Others I was happy that I even completed, but not so happy that they looked awful. Okay, I’ve made it sound like I’ve drawn many pictures. Actually….I’ve only drawn three. Yes, I said three. The first one, I spent around two hours drawing, although it doesn’t really look like it. The second, I spent quite a long time on and it turned out really really good! The third….well, the third is one of those ones that I’m just thankful I completed.

You’re probably thinking, “SHOW THEM TO ME ALREADY!!!!”

I’ll do just that. I’ll show them to you, with my head held high, my chest puffed out, and….well… get the picture.

HAHA! That was like an unintended pun. You don’t get the picture yet, because I haven’t added it to the post yet! HAHAHA! Yeah…that was lame.

Here’s the pictures:

Drawings 003

I am proud to say that I drew this. I drew it while looking at a picture of the guy on my calendar. His face doesn’t really look like Dave’s, but I’m just happy his face looks proportional. The colors worked well, and the logo took FOREVER, as did the skates, which still aren’t in full proportion, although the coloring does look fairly like his. :D Actually, the blue looking color on his uniform is not blue! It’s gray, which turned out to fit the color perfectly. Alright, alright, I’ve bragged enough about this picture. Time for the next one.

Drawings 007

This….is Daffy Duck. WAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I figured out how to rotate the picture after years of trying….well months…..anywho, this picture turned out really well, I was really surprised. I was really scared that the head wouldn’t turn out. I drew everything, including the beak or bill…or whatever you call it, except for the top of his head. (The eyes, and the black part…etc.. etc..) It looked really really good and I started panicking when I started drawing the other part. Haha, if you look REALLY hard at this picture, you can see the next picture under him.

Here we go with picture number three.

Normally I would say at this time, the last but not least. Not true. It is last. And the least. So….without further ado:

Drawings 008


The biggest mistake in this picture was the cheeks. If I didn’t have trouble with the cheeks, the picture would look better than it does. WHY DOES TWEETY HAVE TO HAVE CHEEKS??!!?!??!!!??? Okay, so it didn’t turn out THAT bad…., but I was a little unhappy with the outcome, figuring that I spent about 45 minutes on the picture.


I finished all my SAIL homework this morning, so I haven’t had school the whole rest of the day, because I put off my math until about three o’clock, which is an extremely stupid theory, but hey, at least it still gets done. So…my day was spent drawing Daffy and Tweety; I drew Dave Steckel last night.

Don’t worry, I ate and I took the dog out. No problems there.

I still haven’t had any good food to take pictures of, so therefore I haven’t had a chance to take pictures of food yet. I will take pictures of my foosball table though. When I finally decided that I need to get out of my laziness and put on a coat. (The foosball table is in the garage by the way, the basement is too messy to put it down there for now.) Actually, now that I’m day dreaming about taking pictures of the foosball table, I think it’s time that I head out there to take pictures. Haha.

th-th-th-that’s all folks!!!!!!



  1. Girl, you are such a good artist!!!! I'm so proud to be your fellow bloggy-friend. (:

    BTW: love the one of Tweety!!!
