Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Decisions….decisions….good and bad….

I am so fed up with my favorite radio station right now.

Every few minutes, they mention the fact that it has been a year since Haiti and how people are still sleeping in tents and in the streets there and that we should be giving money to help them.

(I feel like I voice my opinions too often, but someone has to do it. :p And here’s what I have to say about it:)


An earthquake hit them and they don’t have homes, so let’s give money.

Well, there are people living in Washington D.C. who don’t have homes. They’re living on the streets too! They don’t even have tents to sleep in. They don’t have money.

Sure….they weren’t hit by an shaking, catastrophical earthquake, but they’re obviously going through an emotional earthquake. Why don’t we give money to them?

I’m a little confused.

The radio’s main focus is on the children without families, without homes, without any possessions.

There are children in orphanages all over the US without families, without real homes, without possessions and most of all without love. What about them?????

I am a little angry at the time, because of those reasons…

Now for the more happy things in life.

Today has been a very eventful day. Sort of. If you count school as eventful.

I did my SAIL homework. This was interesting. Not. The most interesting part was my mom explaining to Lucas how to do his school correctly.

I did a few Sudoku puzzles and took a shower.

Very eventful.

I hung up some clean clothes.

Also eventful.

I re-laced my shoes with turquoise laces and took out my black laces.


Wow….now the real interesting things.


A very nice one too. It is wood. It has cup holders in the sides. It is really really really awesome.


Last night, my mom, dad, Lucas and I watched Despicable Me. It was SO CUTE!!!!!!

I loved the minions and Agnes.

“It was your cousins ideas!” “WHAT?”

I love that line. :p

It was an extremely adorable movie. The plot line was kind of funny though. If you don’t look into it, you see that Gru is trying to steal the moon, so he can be better than Vector, who stole a pyramid. When Vector gets a hold of the shrink ray, he goes to all extents to get it, which means that he has to adopt three girls to help him into Vector’s house. I won’t give away anymore plot than this, because if I did….and you haven’t seen it….then….I would feel bad.

Anyway, if you go deeper into the plot you realize that the only reason Gru is trying to steal the moon is to get attention. From the world for one. But mostly from his mom.

In the end, his mom says that she’s proud of him and he becomes overjoyed. I thought that this was really cute. :D

Oh and at the end, when they’re doing the dance scene, make sure when it shows the minion being a “DJ” that you look at what you think says Blu-Ray Disc. If you look closely, it says “Gru-Ray Disc.”



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