Monday, January 3, 2011

Thank Goodness I’m Not Bored

I am very proud to say that this is the first day I have lasted without being bored (for now at least.)

This day has been filled with excitement and long lasting memories. Okay…that’s going a little bit far. I woke up and did my devotions. Then, I decided I should probably shower, but before I did so, I thought it would be very smart to eat breakfast. I walked down our 13 steps (yes, I count my steps) and ate two pieces of toast topped with butter and cinnamon sugar, accompanied by a glass of chocolate milk. Then I showered. It felt good and refreshed me. I came downstairs and reluctantly did my first Math lesson of 2011. It was a stupid lesson, but then again that’s what I think about all Math lessons. Then…I read a book that I have to read by next Monday. It is quite confusing and the plot is a little silly…:p I practiced my piano for a little while then ate lunch: Ramen Noodles with a cup of water. :D Now, I sit at my laptop typing. (After checking up on my e-mail and Caps players tweets. :D)

So, I figured that I could make the most of today and type up a blog post….a tedious, boring blog post for my very few followers to read. ;)

My poor younger brother, Lucas has come down with the same sickness I had this week. Also, my poor father has gotten it. I just hope with all my heart that Zechariah won’t get it, because we have our church retreat this weekend, and since it is Zechariah’s senior year, this will be his last retreat, so I really don’t want him to miss it.

This is the first time today that I have been bored, maybe I shouldn’t have decided to blog….I think I’m going to go into the garage and fool around with my hockey stick, tennis ball and recycle bin. (I use the hockey stick to hit the ball into the recycle bin.) It isn’t the biggest recycle bin though, so I can’t really do any cool shots on it. And the garage doesn’t have a lot of space except for the small strip Lucas and I cleared out so we could pass and shoot. Once it gets warmer outside and Lucas feels better, we can play street hockey. I so desperately want to play ice hockey, but it’s expensive and too far away. I’ll have to stick with inline hockey if my parents will ever let me sign up for it. Liberty, which is the college I plan to go to, has a girls’ hockey team, so I want to play on that team when I go there, but it’s ice hockey and at the time I don’t even know how to skate.

Over and Out.


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