Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do I Even Have to Have a Title???

Today is a special day. 1/11/11. Lots of ones. It’s not as special as 11/11/11, but it can be special in its own ways.

Now should be the time that I share the reasons today is special in its own ways. There is one catch though. Only one catch. I don’t have any. Do you hear that? None. Natta. Nothing.

I don’t even have a good title for goodness sakes.

I was awarded with a blogger award from Lily Litten. I am saying that I won it, but I’m not going to post it. :(

Sorry….I’ve been trying to limit my computer time. Hint the word trying.

This is the most boring post in the history of blog posts.

Wow…..again, I say…..more ideas? That’s thing that I need.

What else now?

I have too many posts like this one. Maybe I shouldn’t post if I don’t have any ideas. That would be a reasonable explanation. Wow…don’t even read this…..



  1. hmmm.... you should write about just things that happen in ur everyday life! It doesnt have to b anything special it just can be things you thought were funny or cool throughout the day :)


    <3 xoxoxo


  2. Okay! Thanks! I'll try to do that more. :)

