Thursday, January 6, 2011

More Works by Angela

I have lost my groove for blogging.

Wait…..that doesn’t sound right…let me change that statement.

I never had a groove for blogging, but if I did I just lost it.

There. That sounds better. :D

I don’t know what else to do on my blog, which is extremely sad.

Wait again….that’s a lie. I’m retrying that.

I have loads of ideas for blogging, but I have a feeling you would rather not read them.

I figure that it’s easier if today I posted some of my writings. Again.

It seems that you guys like to read my writings.

I have a few. They are weird though. I write weird things. They are really really stupid too.

My older brother gives me writing prompts and they are sometimes really really hard to do! So…I come up with stupid things such as these:

The prompt for this one was: Write about a lady living alone with her cat.

Okay…so I didn’t know what else to do. The title is: The Crazy Cat Lady.

Yeah, that’s all I could come up with. And this is the story:

Purring gently, Caroline rubbed her body against Mrs. Fergisun’s legs. The old lady, who was assumed crazy by all the neighborhood children, bent as low as her body would allow her to and scooped up the loving cat. Running her hand along Caroline’s spine, she crooned in a caring voice, “Who’s a good kitty? Are you a good kitty?”

The only respond she received was a happy purring escaping Caroline’s thin throat. The morning had just started and Mrs. Fergisun planned to keep the routine her and Caroline carried. First, was the loving and gentle morning greeting, which could be checked off of the list. Mrs. Fergisun slowly lowered Caroline to the ground and made her way across the kitchen floor to the counter, her walker being pushed along ahead of her. After an estimated time of five minutes, she had finally reached the dirty marble counter, which strange enough, had layers of scum and cat fur coating it. Opening a small cabinet to the right of the counter, Mrs. Fergisun reached her frail arm in and pulled out a yellow, cardboard box containing cat food. Eagerly, Caroline leapt to the surface of the counter, her tail flicking back and forth. Mrs. Fergusin opened the top of the box and bent down to pour the contents into a small, plastic bowl resting on the tile floor. As she turned the box upside down, small fish shaped pellets trickled out, half filling the bowl.

“Look’s like you get a smaller meal today, Caroline,” her voice croaked as she stared warmly at the aging cat.

Moving slightly out of the way, Mrs. Fergusin provided room for Caroline to hop from the counter to the floor and eat out of her bowl. All the time Caroline ate, Mrs. Fergisun watched, her hands tightly squeezing her walker. When the bowl was completely empty, Caroline lifted her neck to stare into Mrs. Fergisun’s eyes. Mrs. Fergisun sighed, pivoted and left the room. By the time she had slid into her armchair, which looked as if a bear had clawed it, the sun was beaming through the windows, lighting every inch of the room. She smiled and reached for a torn, dusty book laying flat across the coffee table. She ran her hands along the spine of the book. Sighing again, she blew on the cover scattering the dust away from the title. “Scrapbook,” the words were uttered from her lips. Slowly lifting the front cover, she stared at the first picture. “Father…”

She sighed and slammed the book shut. Caroline dashed into the room, turning her head back and forth wondering where the bang came from. “Oh Caroline…come here.”

Caroline trapsed over and cuddled into Mrs. Fergisun’s lap.

“Caroline. Why did he have to leave? He left mother and I alone…”

A lone tear slid down her cheek. As she sighed, she let her eyelids slide shut. When she awoke, the sun had gone down. There was no light in the room. She reached across the coffee table and pulled the string connected to her lamp. The light flashed on. Immediately she shielded her eyes, because of the sudden bright light. As her eyes adjusted, her doorbell rang. “Who would that be, Caroline?”

Making her way to the door, she slowly pulled it open and peered out. A small boy, no older than six years old, was dressed up like a pirate. He grinned and cried, “Trick or Treat!”

Mrs. Fergisun turned to Caroline and whispered, “What did he say?”

She turned back to the boy and stated, “I’m sorry little boy, I couldn’t hear you.”

“TRICK OR TREAT!” He cried for the second time.

“Oh, is tonight Halloween? I’m sorry little boy I don’t have any candy for you.”

The boy frowned and ran off. Mrs. Fergisun closed the door and murmured, “I miss being a child, Caroline.”

Caroline looked at her as if to say, “Go have some fun!”

Mrs. Fergisun grinned and made her way to the bathroom. She pulled on a bathrobe over her dress, slid some slippers onto her socked feet and popped a floppy hat onto her head. She went back to the door and scooped Caroline into her arms. She threw open the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk. The street was flooded with children in costumes. Mrs. Fergisun slowly followed the crowd and walked up the way to the first house. She rang the doorbell and when the door was opened she cried, “TRICK OR TREAT!”

“Who are you dressed as?” The lady holding a basket of candy asked.

“The crazy cat lady,” Mrs. Fergisun replied.

Then she took her share of candy, and went along with the little children.

I’m sorry. It’s a little long and really really stupid. Really stupid.

I thought I might as well post another story I wrote, along with this one.

This was actually for my writing class.

The reason it’s so awful is because I wrote it on my to a hockey game.

Super Powers Galore

The world is spinning around me in slow motion. I try to close my eyes, but they feel as if they are being held open. A razor sharp pain cuts into my stomach as a fist hits me. I feel dizzy and slightly discombobulated as I fall to the waiting floor. I move my eyes upward and stare into Chris’ hazel colored eyes filled with evil. A light moan escapes my mouth as I realize my lip is bleeding. My head throbs as my eyesight flickers in and out in a haze of black and white. Slow motion laughing fills my ears as I wonder what’s happening to me. I start squinting my eyes shut tightly and wish that I could feel no pain and fight back.

As the wish flows through my mind, all the pain in my stomach is slowly vanishing. I start to realize that my lip is not wet anymore and I can’t taste any blood. Quickly, I flick my eyelids open and all my senses come rushing at me. Looking up, I see that Chris is still standing above me guffawing at my state. An evil insight is rushing through me and I leap to my feet throwing my fists wildly. The first hit strikes him in surprise. Eagerly swinging my fists, I grin as I see that I am pounding him to bits. Holding up his hands he screams, “I surrender!”

I pull back and grin. Pumping my feet, I dash down the hall only to realize that I am no longer on the ground, but swiftly gliding through the air. Finally, I fly from the school and land on my feet in the middle of the school yard and realize I have super powers.

A shout echoes from the school. I turn around and see that Chris is running after me. I stand and stare at him and he jumps into the air, but he doesn’t land! Chris is a superhero too, except I think he’s a super villain! I leap into the air and hover above the ground. He charges me. I shut my eyes real tight and then open them really wide and two red lasers shoot from my eyeball sockets blasting Chris out of the sky. I smile and land on the ground. I am now a superhero and I am going to battle super villains.

Now that I have bored your brains and turned them to mush, have fun with school the rest of the day. I just made it interesting for you.

Over and Out.



  1. Oh, I liked it!!!! The crazy-cat lady was cool. :D


  2. Why thank you.

    I have another one to post soon. About a bird who wants to be human. :D Can you tell I got bored when I was writing about the cat lady...that's where the halloween thing came in. (I wrote it on halloween.)


  3. heyehey.....I awarded you!!!!
